Playdate with Dizzy (Requested)

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Let's pretend they're back on the isle for this one

{No one's Pov}

Evie was busy working on a new fashion design in the studio the five Vks shared when there was a knock on the arch that led to Evie's section, they didn't really have doors. Evie looked up from her desk to see one of her favourite people, Dizzy.

"Hey Dizzy. Are you not working today?" Evie asked as she got up from her desk to hug the girl.

Dizzy shook her head as she hugged Evie back. "No, I was bored and wondering if you would spend time with me?"

Evie smiled and laughed softly before she nodded. "Of course I'll spend time with you, Dizzy." Evie continued to smile before she took Dizzy over to her desk so they could continue Evie's design together.

As Evie and Dizzy continued on another design, Mal called into the studio as she came up the stairs with Y/n clinging to her. "Hey, E! Are you here?"

"In here, Dizzy's here to!" Evie called back before Mal came over to Evie's section a few moments later.

"Hi guys." Mal sighed as she let Y/n go who ran over to Evie and Dizzy.

"Evie! Dizzy!" Y/n squeals before trying to climb on Evie's lap. Evie helped her out by picking her up and setting her on her lap.

"I see someone is little." Evie laughed slightly as Y/n rapidly nodded.

Mal sighed as walked further into the room. "Is it alright if you look after her for a while, please, Evie?"

Evie smiled and nodded, bouncing Y/n on her lap slightly as she spoke. "Of course, Dizzy and I was going to spend some time together, she can just join us. Right Diz?"

Dizzy nodded as she was drawing. "Yeah, it'll be fun!"

Mal smiled before she walked over, giving Y/n a small kiss on her forehead. "Be good." Mal smiled at Y/n one last time before she left.

"So, what should we do first? Any ideas Y/n?" Evie smiled as she looked to the girl on her lap.

Y/n looked around before she pointed to the scraps of cardboard sitting around the studio. "We can build a castle!"

Evie laughed but nodded none the less. "We can build a small castle for you."

Y/n clapped excitedly before she jumped off of Evie's lap and started to collect all of the random cardboard pieces, Dizzy decided it would be quicker as is she helped out as Y/n would pick up one before returning it to Evie. Evie rounded up some spare fabric to use for any holes and the roof, making it like a fort. Y/n was insistent on having a drawbridge, so she had a little door to crawl through and close. The girls used fabric dye to basically paint the walls as they didn't have actually paint, as according to Y/n, she needed a purple castle.

After the castle was build, Y/n spent some time pretending to be a princess and deciding who was good enough enter her castle, playing with Dizzy as Evie watched and continued her design.

Evie was soon being begged to join Y/n and Dizzy in a tea party. Dizzy suggested the idea and Y/n loved it and now wouldn't let it go. Evie sighed and nodded as she decided to get out all the random cups they owned and placed it around a table as Y/n and Dizzy collected Y/n's stuffed animals so they could join.

They all played along, sipping imaginary tea and nibbling on pretend cookies, while Y/n 'entertained' them with stories of her stuffed animals' wild adventures. Evie even made a few stuffed animals little accessories.

The sun was setting on the isle and Mal had just arrived back at the studio as Dizzy was getting ready to leave. Mal smiled as Y/n ran to her and she picked her up as she spoke quietly, she was a bit tired. "Hi, baby."

Mal frowned slightly as she looked from Y/n to Dizzy. "Dizzy, what are you still doing here?"

Dizzy smiled and was about to talk when Evie spoke up. "She was just leaving, but I was going to walk her own, since it's getting dark.

Mal nodded, "Good idea. I've got to get this one to sleep anyways."

Y/n immediately pouted. "Aww, I don't want to go to bed."

Mal laughed slightly as she looked to Y/n. "You never want to go to bed. Now, say goodnight to Dizzy and Evie."

Y/n still pouted before she waved at Dizzy and Evie. Mal said her goodnights too before she carried Y/n off to bed. 


Words: 785

Sorry this took a while and its only a small chapter but I've been struggling to find the time to write and what to write. Thank you for your patience!

Happy Tuesday! Don't forget to vote!

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