A little? (Requested) Pt.2

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I looked through it before the truth hit me in the face. "You're..."

"A little..."


I stood up when I saw the tears fall down Y/n's face. "Y/n, you're okay."

"No. No little is in a gang. We're the outcasts of the outcasts." Y/n stepped back from me.

"We won't kick you out if that's what you're concerned about Y/n?" I smiled softly when my friend looked shocked.

"But..." Y/n started but I shook my head.

"Don't worry, okay? Let's just get you cleaned up." I held my hand out for Y/n to take, she hesitated at first but soon held my hand. I led Y/n to the couches in the middle room. Before I left to get the first aid kit I saw in Y/n's room earlier. She was the only one who had one. I eventually got Y/n to remove her jumper before I finally got a good look at her cuts.

"This is going to hurt a little but I'll try to be quick, mm?" I said calmly, noticing little shards of glass that she probably didn't see yesterday.

Y/n shook her head, "Please no." I was about to comfort her when she continued and pulled her arm away. "No pain. P'ease."

Once I heard Y/n drop a letter and saw the tears forming again I knew I had to drop the matter.

"Okay, no pain. You're okay." I smiled again, putting a new bandage around her arm. That was the best I could do at this point. Y/n was quick to put her jumper back on before playing with her fingers in her lap.

I wasn't going to leave her but I can't just sit on the couch in silence. "I'm going to be in my section, you can join me or just call when you need me."

Y/n only nodded before I started to walk away. I started spray painting my room a bit more as I continued to think about what I just discovered. I didn't know how to feel, I'm not mad or upset or anything. But Y/n? I mean it makes sense now looking back on it.

I've always wanted to know, maybe look after, a little. I guess that made me a caregiver? I just wanted to right the wrongs my mother's done to me with someone else. Maybe right their parents wrongs. Giving them that safety and comfort that all of us really deserved. Although I've accepted the fact I will never have that, maybe that's why I want to give it to someone else. I just finished spraying the last part of the new art addition to my area when I heard Y/n call for me.

"What is it?" I asked as I entered the room, slightly worried.

Y/n didn't say anything as she pointed to the microphones that hung on the nearest wall. Jay was talking up from the door.

"Mal, let us up. We got food." Jay stated.

I turned back to Y/n who looked terrified, "It's okay. They'll be okay." I reassured Y/n but that didn't seem to help. "Want to wait in my section?" I asked, immediately getting a nod as a response.

I didn't want to completely shut Y/n in her room and I wanted to still be able to see her if I wanted so I offered my space. It was in the corner and it only had one opening so it was pretty closed off.

"Mal?" Evie spoke through the microphone next.

Once I checked that Y/n was comfortable and reassured her again I finally answered my friends. "Yea, hold on."

I pulled the door up with rope that sat by the entrance. I heard them all coming up the stairs, mostly because of how loud they were talking but still.

"We only found 2 pieces of bread so if Evie, Jay and I share. You and Y/n can share." Carlos suggested as he placed the bag of bread on the table before sitting on a couch.

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