Auntie Evie Day (Requested)

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I know @WrittenByJadey was waiting for this. The request ^. Hope this is good enough. :) Some requests have taken longer than others. I apologise, I've been really busy. Whichever one comes first comes first. Depends if I've struggled with the chapter or not.


I sighed before I walked over to Y/n's bed. I didn't know how Y/n was going to act this morning, she would be with Evie today as I have a lot of things I need to do. Evie was excited so I'm hoping Y/n feels the same, although Y/n... has been... well more than upset before.

I snuck into Y/n bed. As soon as I was next to her, she cuddled into me. I wrapped my arms around her before gently whispering. "Morning Babygirl."

Y/n just groaned and tried to bury her head into my side more, if that was even possible. "Nu-huh"

"It's Auntie Evie day." I reminded my little. Y/n was excited for it last week, but of course moods change.

"Evie?" I hear a small voice from my side.

I nod, smiling, "Yeah, Evie."

Y/n only replied with a nod. We stayed cuddled up for a bit before Evie messaged me."Get my baby up. I'm getting ready."

"Your baby?" I reply, laughing to myself slightly.

"Let me have this." Evie replied with an eye rolling emoji.

I laugh as I put my phone down. I now look to Y/n, who's half asleep. I stand up from my previous position. Y/n whining as I pick her up, "Come on, let get you ready." Y/n was laying against my chest as I carried her into our bathroom, gently bouncing her to keep her awake.

Y/n groaned again as I laid her down on the changing table Ben had bought. "Don't you want to see Auntie Evie?" I try to distract Y/n as I change her.

Y/n rubs her eyes as she nods. I softly take her hand away from her eye. "Baby, don't do that."

Y/n moves her other hand away from her face before she spoke up. "Mama goes?"

"Yes, Mama won't be with you today." I sighed.

Y/n pouted at me, "No mama?"

I sat Y/n up, holding her face in my hands, "Mama won't leave you for long, I promise. And I think your aunt has too much planned."

Y/n giggled after I mention Evie. Y/n quickly moved on, asking me to pick her up with her hands as spoke, "Dress?"

"You want to wear a dress today?" I confirm with the little who was now settled on my hip.

"Evie red dress." Y/n nodded. I knew Y/n was going to pick her dress Evie made her.

I get Y/n dressed, leaving her contently watching cartoons on my bed as I get dressed. I was about to knock on Evie's door as it opened, and said girl was really excited.

Evie practically made grabby towards Y/n, which made me laugh. Y/n reached for Evie as I handed her off. Evie smile widened when Y/n was settled on her hip. They had a mini conversation before Evie turned back to me.


"So, when will you be back?"

"Hopefully sometime around 2ish." Mal smiled, handing me Y/n's bag.

I nod in response before turning to Y/n, bouncing her lightly as I spoke. "Well, we have some baking and a picnic planned."

"Baking!" Y/n squealed making Mal smile.

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