Royal Dinner (Requested)

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I was thinking of doing a dinner scene but I didn't really have a plot to it but I love this.

{No one's Pov}

Ben and his parents had invited Mal and Y/n over for dinner one night. Ben's parents wanted to know his girlfriend more. And of course, Mal couldn't leave Y/n behind and luckily, Belle and Adam didn't mind.

Mal smiled as she came out of the bathroom, looking at Y/n as she was currently trying on outfits. "How about this?"

Y/n smiled and nodded as she looked up and down Mal's formal look. "Looks good, Mam- Mal." Y/n quickly corrected herself from saying Mama whilst she was out of headspace. She had to keep correcting herself because she was so used to calling Mal that in headspace, she guessed it was sticking whilst big. It made sense since Mal looked after her even whilst Y/n wasn't slipped.

Mal brushed off Y/n's correction, thinking she was just in between her headspaces at the moment and couldn't decide on one at the moment.

The girls continued to get ready before finally heading to the door. They're outfits were quite opposite, Mal was dressed more formally and Y/n was dressed more casually. But that was decided best for her in case she does slip into her little space.

Mal looked at her one last time before they left. "Are you sure you're not slipping?"

"I'm not slipping." Y/n nodded and confirmed.

Mal nodded before kissing the top of Y/n's head. "Okay, but I'm bringing your little bag and you should know you can slip if wanted..."

Y/n nodded, groaning as she spoke. "I know. Can we go now?"

"We can go now." Mal laughed lightly and nodded before they left, heading outside to the limo Ben had sent to collect them before they were on their way.

When the girls arrived, Ben and his parents stood outside to greet them. Mal left the limo first before helping Y/n out. Mal smiled as she approached Ben, hugging him before she turned and curtsied to Belle and Adam.

"Thank you for having us." Mal smiled before she looked at Y/n, who only waved at Ben's parents.

His parents returned the small wave before leading the pair inside. They stayed and chatted in a lounge area whilst dinner was being prepared.

"So..." Beast starting, trying his best to make conversation. "how are you finding it here?"

Mal smiled and nodded as she gave her reply. Y/n was zoned out slightly as she was looking around the room, in awe of the castle.

"Y/n?" Mal nudged the girl who hummed as she snapped back to reality. "Ben's parents ask you a question."

Y/n's eyes widened slightly as she looked to the pair sitting opposite. "Oh, my bad... can you uh repeat that?"

Belle smiled and shook her head as she reached over to hold Y/n's hand. "Don't worry about it sweetheart, are you bored? We have a few activities you could do?"

Y/n instantly knew those activities would be childish, to entertain her little side. Before she could reply, someone came into the room and announced dinner was served. 'Saved by the bell' Y/n thought as they all got up and headed to the dining room, well more like a dining hall.

Beast sat at the head of the long table, Belle and Ben on one side of him and Mal and Y/n on the other. Y/n smiled as they brought out the food, it was kinda like a buffet, they already had a few things on their plate but they could pick a few things to add to it, like gravy or different sides.

{Y/n's Pov}

I was in awe of the food, it looked delicious. I was quick to start serving myself different sides, reaching for the roast potatoes before the green beans. I wasn't much of a veggie eater but I knew I needed to eat them and they were the best options.

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