Isle Visit (Requested) Pt.2

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Y/n woke from her nap little, although she did let me know that I couldn't leave her alone, by whining every time I tried to. I knew that she would feel unsafe at points when being here, and I'm glad to be with her whenever she is. We stayed curled up in my bed before she truly woke up and had the energy to see Uma. I wasn't very pleased having to see her but it made Y/n happy so it was worth it, I guess.

"Mama go now? P'ease?" Y/n smiled up at me and I laughed at her excitement.

I stick my hand on for her to grab, which she instantly does. "Let's go see the octopus."

"Mama, be nice!" Y/n whined before dragging me down the stairs.

Once Y/n saw Jay she immediately ran to him, instantly being picked up. I loved how close we all are, our chosen family. We collected Evie from Dizzy's before we all went to Uma's. Having to go a different way due to some family spotting, but eventually we got to Uma's. Y/n wriggled out of Jay's arms as soon as we stepped inside.

"We're back." I dragged, getting most of the pirates' attention, including Tentacles.

"Uma!" Y/n cheered before trying to run to the teal haired girl, but I put my hand out to stop her.

"Oh please." Uma sighed, "Like I'm going to hurt the girl." I raised my brow, making Uma scoff. "She's the only one of all of you I like."

I let Y/n go and she immediately jumped into Uma's arms. Uma smiled as she spoke to my little. The one time I ever see the octopus smile.

"Well, well, well." Harry made an appearance and him and Jay stood face to face, almost seeing who would back down first.

"Party of losers, right this way." Uma said lowering the tension, leading us to a table, and I heard Y/n tell Uma off for the name. My sweet girl.

I sat at the head whilst Evie and Jay sat to my side and Carlos next to Jay. Y/n stayed on Uma's lap, who sat at the other head, Y/n was handed some colouring and got stuck in her own little world.

"So..." Uma started, "What brings little miss princess back to our Isle?"

"Your Isle?" I questioned, laughing lightly.

Uma raised an eyebrow, "You still think you own this place. This is my turf now."

"Oh please." I scoffed, leaning back. "I don't see any posters of you or kids running up to talk."

"Pfft I don't need that Mal." Uma smiles, "I've got the fear."

I roll my eyes. "Sooner or later you'll know fear isn't enough."

"Yeah, coming from Princess Mal, of Auradon."

The words 'of Auradon' stung. I'm and will forever be an Isle girl at heart. That's my roots. I wouldn't be an Auradon girl, ever... right?

"We're here on a check up. Fairy godmother's orders." Carlos finally answered Uma, rolling his eyes as he spoke.

"Oh please, you're joking." Uma questioned. All of us fall silent, Jay shaking his head. "Wow, they really care for you, huh?"

"It's not like that." Evie spoke up. "We know the Isle better than anyone. Anyone from Auradon would get chewed up here."

"Yea, but did they ever consider how you'd feel?" Uma questioned, "I know I wouldn't want to return that quickly. I bet it was even harder with a little." Uma bounced Y/n a little.

We kinda connected with Uma in that moment, we may hate each other but we got where each other was coming from.

"Tell you're little fairy you won't be coming again." Uma insists and we all look confused.

"It's not that simple..." Evie starts but she's interrupted by Uma.

"We don't trust each other... at all. But you won't need to come back because the Isle is in good hands."

Harry stands behind Uma's chair, placing her hand on her shoulder. "Aye, we know what we're doing."

"I don't believe I'm actually trusting you for once, Tentacles." I laugh, earning a smirk from the girl.

"This, you won't regret, Lizard."

After that, we decided to get going, especially with the yawning my little was doing. Y/n handed Uma her drawing, I smiled as I saw a dragon, octopus and a certain raven haired girl together.

"I'll hang it on my fridge." Uma smiled, booping the little in my arms. "Make sure you stop on the way home." She whispered to the girl who only gave her a massive nod.

"Uma... one last thing." I smile, "Everything seems a little more little friendly."

Uma smiled, "Y/n had an effect on us more than you did." Uma winked at Y/n before we left for our last night, cutting our trip a day short and successfully avoiding our parents.


Words: 775

I didn't think this would turn out like this but I still like it.

Happy Wednesday! Don't forget to vote!

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