Bullied (Requested) Pt.1

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These two requests are very similar, or well I would probably write them similarly so I've combined them. Hope you don't mind @iidaisyp & @liv2135

TW ⚠️ sh, bullying, self criticism, diet issues. This will be scattered throughout the chapter so if any of this effects you please skip this chapter! (I will still leave a warning before the main part) 🫶

And to those who have struggled or is struggling, you are beautiful in everyway, no matter what anyone says. The world is better with you in it. You're not alone.

{Y/n's POV}

I've stopped regressing again. I can tell everyone is taking note. And I could if I wanted to, that's not the problem. I don't want to. I've realised it's a stupid thing to do, I'm not a child anymore, and the other Vks aren't little and we all had a childhood as bad as each other so was all of this really needed.

This all started a few weeks ago. Maybe a month. It's getting to that point. I was walking out of class one day. Mal was doing important Lady of The Court things so she couldn't come get me. Which was completely fine. It was lunch after that lesson and I knew where to meet the rest of the group so I was okay. Evie offered to come get me but I declined. I would be alright this one time.

Until I bumped into a group of girls and a few guys, who were obviously their boyfriends. I instantly apologised before I realised who I was talking to.

"I'm sorry," I looked up to see a girl with brunette hair and piercing green eyes.

She smirked, clearly recognising me. "As you should, you little rat."

"I'm sorry?" I asked, kinda confused when I realised it was Hazel, Daughter of the one and only Rapunzel. "Oh you're..."

I was cut off. "Daughter of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. And your mother is Mother Gothel." I winced at the name, making the girl laugh. She was much taller than me so she grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at her as she forced me against the wall. "Where's you little guard dog, Mali?" I shivered under her gaze. Now I really wanted Mal.

"Ahh is the poor little scared?" She laughed again, "I think you need to pay for your mother's debt."

"Wasn't the isle wasn't enough?" I talked back which I was quick to regret as I was instantly hit by another girl.

Hazel leaned closer, "The isle was only the beginning. I'm going to be your worst nightmare."

Just as Hazel had let me go, Jay had just come around the corner, rushing over as he spotted me. "Is everything okay here?"

"Oh, of course." Hazel smiled sweetly. "The poor baby just dropped her books and I was offering to help."

"Y/n is this true?" Jay asked, he probably thought the distance between us wasn't proving Hazel's story. I saw Hazel nod her head out of the corner of my eye and reluctantly nodded.

Jay nodded before picking up the books I had dropped when pushed against the wall. "Come on, Evie's waiting on us." Jay grabbed my hand pulling me away. I looked back to see Hazel smirking, mouth something I didn't quite get.

"Why are you limping?" Carlos asked after meeting up with us. Noticing the small limp I had after the punch to the guts.

I got the feeling I wasn't allowed to tell them the truth. I didn't want to make it worse for myself. "I... uhh, I walked into something, it really hurt." I lied through my teeth, thankfully that was good enough.

Soon enough Mal being busy with her Lady duties became more often and she took the same time period off to take them, she thought it was best as I would go straight to lunch and didn't need anyone but I protested.

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