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I'm on my period whilst writing this so I'm inflicting my emotions into my writing to make me feel better. Ahh the joy of being a writer.


"Mal?!" I heard Y/n frantically shout for me from the bathroom.

I hurried to the door. "Can I come in?"

Y/n only hummed a yes before I entered, she had her head sticking out of the shower curtain as she looked worried. "I'm bleeding..."

"You're bleeding? From where?" I quickly questioned, slightly confused, she wouldn't need to call me about a cut when big. How has Y/n already managed to hurt herself today.

Y/n looked away from me for a moment, embarrassed, as she whispered, "From down there."

I quickly caught on, "Are you on your period?"

Y/n looked up at me again, "This is what happens to you and Evie when you're really mad for a week and Evie craves chocolate the whole time?"

I laugh at how Y/n recalls one of many recent times me and Evie were dealing with a period.

"You bleed?" Y/n again asked, whispering slightly, a bit shocked.

"Finish in the shower, baby. I'll help you when you're wrapped in a towel. It's nothing to worry about." I reassure Y/n.

"Are you sure, my belly also really hurts." Y/n frowns slightly.

"That's why Evie always wants chocolate." I laughed slightly, giving Y/n a small smile before walking back out the bathroom.

It was only a few moments later when Y/n called me back into the bathroom, the same confused and worried look on her face.

"Are you feeling alright?" Just checking that cramps were the only side effect right now.

Y/n tilted their head slightly, "My head now hurts."

I nod, taking a mental note, before I instruct Y/n on how to use a pad and to take a painkiller as I only knew that her pain would get worse. I left again once I was sure Y/n would be okay. Again only a few minutes later Y/n exited the bathroom, finally being able to get dressed. Soon coming to lay on me on the couch. I brushed a few curls out of her face as she cuddled into me.

"Why does it hurt to move." Y/n complained, looking up at me, pouting out her lip.

I smile sympathetically at the girl on top of me. "I'm sorry baby, there's not much I can do."

"Cuddles are okay." Y/n barely smiles before turning her attention back to the tv. Lucky her it was the weekend and I didn't have to drag her to the already unwanted classes. We stayed lying down on the couch as I gently rubbed her back and keeping the hair out of her face every time she turned or nuzzled into me more. It took me a while to realise Y/n had finally drifted asleep. I carefully carried Y/n to her bed, gently tucking her in before leaving a note.

~ Gone to get your favourite snack, I'll be back soon. Xx Mama.

I'm sure she wouldn't wake by the time I'm back, but just in case.

~TIME SKIP (I'm lazy 😩)~

I was walking back to mine and Y/n's dorm with a bag full of her favourite snacks, like m&ms, sensations, popcorn. When I bumped into Ben.

"Hey Mal." My boyfriend smiled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. Now spotting the bag. "Ooo are you doing a movie night?"

I smile up at Ben as I held the hand that rested on my shoulder, "No, well it's not planned." I sigh, "Y/n finally got her shark week." I laugh slightly at the name I used, Ben had made it up.

Ben's smile lowered slightly, "I can leave you to it then."

"No, I'm sure Y/n would be glad to see someone other than me, even for a few minutes." I pull my boyfriend back toward me, "She'll know you care."

"Okay." Ben agrees, now walking back at a normal pace, "If she tries to magic me into a frog, that's on you." Ben chuckles slightly as I playfully hit him in the arm.

"My baby would never." I defend, "She can do better than a frog."

I continue walking as Ben stops, "You know that doesn't give me confidence."

Ben and I continue our conversation as we got to my dorm, Ben held the bags as I unlocked the door, instantly handing back the bags just for me to place them by the door, before I walk over to Y/n, realising she was awake and looked to be in pain.

"Hey, Y/n." I softly smile as I walk over, seeming to startle her by the sudden sound of my voice. "How long have you been awake?" I question, now sitting by her side, brushing a curl behind her ear.

Y/n only shrugged at my question, before moving on. "It hurts again."

I was confused at the tone of her voice. "Are you slipping?"

Y/n frowns now, "Yea, but I don't want to."

"Why baby? I'm here, you can, it will be okay." I reassured the smaller girl beside me.

Y/n moves closer, whispering, "It will hurt more."

"Maybe." I shrug, wanting to be truthful, "But you know you'll feel worse if you don't slip."

A tear fell down her cheek before she spoke again. "I don't want it to hurt." I pick Y/n up, sitting her on my lap, holding her close as an attempt to comfort her. I continued to whisper sweet nothings in her ear as she cried.

Ben walked over a few minutes later, "Hey, Y/n." That caught both of our attention. As we both looked up I realised Ben had made several bowls of all of Y/n snacks. He placed the bowls on the bed before kneeling down. "I thought I would help your mama out and bring you some of the snacks she bought you."

Y/n looked from the bowls to me. "Mine?"

"I thought it would make you feel better, baby." I smile, noticing her voice being slightly higher than before and that light innocent look in her eyes. Y/n nodded before hesitatingly reaching for the bowls, which Ben gladly moved towards her.

"T'ank you." Y/n barely said above a whisper.

I kissed her head, "You're welcome, baby."

Ben soon left, thinking it was better for us to be alone right now, especially because Y/n wasn't talkative like normal. We stayed sat on her bed, in a comfortable silence whilst we snacked.

"Time for proper cuddles." I suddenly break the silence, lifting Y/n into the air for a few seconds, smiling at her laughter. I placed her down just to be called back whilst she pouted with her grabby hands out. "Let me get into comfy clothes." I somewhat laughed.

I quickly returned to my little who was now snuggled into her duvet with a bowl of crisps. I smile to myself, Y/n truly became a foodie since we got here. I climbed into the bed, so the bowl was in between us. Of course Y/n didn't accept that so she moved the bowl and shuffled closer. I instinctively, and protectively, wrapped my arms around her, pulling her closer, starting to fall asleep like she was. Still feeling bad that I couldn't help with the pain.


Word Count: 1151

I quite enjoyed this now. Hope you readers did too. I have three exams left, meaning more chapters soon!

Happy Wednesday, Don't forget to vote.

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