Random {1}

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Hey, so I'm going to start these small random talks or situation chapters that I imagine could happen between Y/n and the Vks (And of course any other characters) as these are small ideas and I can't find a good way to put them in a chapter. Of course you can always request a small situation, and if you like one of these small chapters I can always try to make them an actual chapter.

Let me know if you like this and I'll be sure to do more.

{Y/N's POV}

I was sat with Mal on our couch as she was watching tv. I was watching with her but I got bored, so I started to go on my phone. And I don't know why but the one thing that always kept me entertained was pinterest.

Pinterest was a beauty and a curse. I loved pinterest and all the cool, new, ideas it gave me. It was really inspiring, especially with all those quotes. But I could end up on pinterest for hours on end and not even notice, it's like once you were on there, you were sucked into the endless abyss.

The end was very dark but it's true. I was currently look at different hair styles and colours. I don't know how I got to these pins but like I said, Pinterest is an abyss.

"I want to dye my hair." I randomly stated out loud. Not really realising I said it until Mal responded.

Mal chuckled softly, "What colour exactly?"

I look towards Mal, slightly confused before I realised that thought was not in my head. "Red..." I say after a second.

"Why red?" Mal asks turning to face me.

I shrug, "Well you have purple hair, Evie has blue hair and Uma has teal hair. Where's my fun colour?" I frowned, still looking through Pinterest.

Mal looked at me and I could see out the corner of my eye that Mal rolled her eyes. "Y/n, you literally have raven hair. It's a dark shade of purple."

I looked to Mal. "Yeah, and like I said, you have purple hair."

"So you want your own colour?" Mal questioned as she raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah." I frowned before showing Mal my phone, "Look how pretty red hair looks."

Mal looks at my phone then back at me. "We'll get Evie to dye your hair one day, yeah?"

"Really?" I widen my eyes, I didn't think Mal would agree to that, but Vks are naturally cool so I wasn't that surprised.

"Of course." Mal smiled at my excitement.

I hugged Mal, "Thank you!"

Mal laughed before turning back to her show, still having a hold on me, and I obviously didn't mind.

I turned back to my phone, saving any and all red hair photos.

Words ~ 370
Let me know if you like these short chapters.

Happy Sunday! Don't forget to vote! 🫶

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