Struggling (Requested)

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TW ⚠️ eating struggles/disorder. Possibly mild link to sh. Please skip this chapter if this affects you in any way as it will be throughout the whole chapter. 🫶

{No one's Pov}

The Vks weren't blind when it came to Y/n, in fact they paid more attention to her then to anyone or anything else. Although they did always hope that Y/n's struggles were just that... struggles. They always had hoped that Y/n would go to them for help if she needed too, hoping that she knew she could. And they would wait for her to, to take her time as she did so, although normally Y/n would just sort it on her own. But some things, the Vks just couldn't ignore.

It had started months ago, ever so slightly, Y/n started to reduce her food intake. Slowly not eating everything on her plate. It was hard for a while but something in her mind kept telling her to do it. At first it was unnoticeable, just a few things untouched. But suddenly it was half the plate. And then the food was barely touched.

Mal was obviously the first to notice, trying to give her little something she would actually eat started to become more difficult.

And after that it didn't take Ben that long to figure it out. He noticed the amount on her plate shrinking before realising she wasn't eating at all. At some point Y/n wouldn't even move the fork to pretend to eat.

So with the couple both noticing, it was clear to the others that something was up, with the way Y/n was acting and how Ben and Mal were constantly watching Y/n, more than usual.

Mal got more worried as time went on. She thought Y/n was just having a tough week or something. She hoped Y/n would come to her. She fought with herself on whether or not to mention it.

Eventually, Mal had given up waiting on Y/n after this 'situation' had gone on long enough. She tried her best to wait, but she couldn't watch her baby suffer any longer.

Mal sighed as she sat with Ben and Y/n on the couch, currently watching a random show as Y/n paid no attention and watched things on her phone. Mal took one more glance at Y/n before she spoke. "Hun? Can we talk for a moment?"

Ben looked to Mal before deciding not to intervene. He didn't want to say something that wasn't actually a part of the conversation at the moment.

Y/n looked from her phone to Mal, sitting up. Mal noticed that her clothes were starting to get a bit loose, which worried her even more. "What's up?"

Mal, again, sighed and turned completely towards Y/n now. "I wanted to talk... I've noticed recently, you don't seem to be eating much..."

Ben looked back at Mal as he realised what this about, "Mal... do you want me to go?"

Mal shook her head, still looking at Y/n though. "No, stay, you've noticed it too."

Y/n's eyes widened, she didn't realise that they had noticed, but then again who was she kidding, it was obvious when she had her whole plate still full at the end of lunch. She shook her head, looking back to her phone to avoid Mal's gaze. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm fine..."

Mal furrowed her eyebrows slightly, she was upset and a little disappointed that Y/n had decided to keep this up even after Mal had called her out. Ben took over for a moment now, he lowered Y/n's phone so he would get her attention again and took one of her hands. "Y/n, please, tell us what's going on. Don't lie to us. We all know you're not eating. Talk to us, and if not me, Mal."

Y/n sighed, she felt a small lump in her throat develop as she thought about it all. And soon enough she had tears in her eyes as she looked at the couple in front of her. "I don't like the way I feel. I'm so imperfect... I'm not like everyone else..."

Mal was quick to pull Y/n in for a hug, rubbing the side of her arm as her girl cried. Mal kissed the top of her head to comfort her. "Y/n Gothel, you are beautiful, there's nothing you need to change."

"But there is..." Y/n managed to say through tears as she sat up again and showed Mal her phone. It was on one of her social media apps, and it was filled with "pretty girls". "They're all slim. They all get the likes and comments, there's no hate there..."

Mal looked back to Y/n, putting the phone behind her so it was out of sight. Ben spoke up again, taking Y/n's hand again "Y/n, please don't compare yourself to them. I guarantee half of them use filters or apps to make them seem slimmer."

Mal nodded along. "Baby, you know you can't trust the internet..."

Y/n nodded and sighed as she still cried. "But it's not just the internet. I don't fit in with anyone. I mean, look at everyone, look at Audrey, and Evie... and you. You're all so pretty and I just, I just don't fit in."

Mal's heart broke when she listened to Y/n, especially when she mentioned her. Mal pulled her closer again, holding Y/n's head to her shoulder, silent tears now starting to flow.

Ben saw the hurt in Mal's eyes, and decided again to talk over, moving to kneel on the floor in front of the girls so Y/n could actually look at him as he spoke. "Y/n... what you're doing isn't healthy, whether or not you realise it, you're hurting yourself. Do you understand that?"

Y/n nodded, still crying and now clinging to Mal, she could tell she was slipping. Mal continued to try and comfort Y/n, kissing the top of her head to make sure she knew she wasn't in trouble.

Ben gave the girl a sad smile, gently wiping her tears as he spoke. "Now, how about I go get our baby a snack, huh? We won't rush you to eat a lot right away, But you should eat something."

Y/n nodded at that idea and Mal couldn't help but smile as Ben called Y/n his baby as well. She loved how caring Ben was towards Y/n. Ben smiled and nodded before he stood, leaving the girls' dorm.

Mal and Y/n stayed cuddled on the couch. Mal could tell that Y/n wasn't calming down, it concerned her but she knew they had just brought up some bad thoughts and she knew Y/n just needed to be comforted. So Mal moved to lay down so she could hold Y/n closer. After a moment or two Mal could feel Y/n tugging on her top. Mal instantly knew that she wanted extra comfort, skin to skin.

Mal smiled before pulling hers and Y/n's top off before laying back down again. She placed a blanket over them both as Y/n laid her head on Mal's chest. It didn't take long for Mal to no longer feel Y/n tears falling on to her. 


Words: 1212

I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, I tried to make it not so heavy hitting whilst also staying on topic. Sorry for not posting recently, hopefully I'll post more soon.

I hope none of you have felt this way. We are all enough. Everyone will look different, no matter what. Love yourself. 🫶

Happy Monday! Don't forget to vote!

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