The Boys' Turn (Requested)

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{Y/n's POV}

I woke up big today, I felt kinda sad about it since I had to stay with Carlos and Jay all day. Don't get me wrong, I loved the boys and I was excited to spend time with them, but I feel like they will be disappointed that I'm not slipped.

Mal seemed to pick up that something was wrong when she snapped me out of my thoughts. "What's wrong, huh?"

I shrugged, "I'm not little."

Mal lifted my head up. "Would you like to be?"

I shook my head. "No." I sighed, "But won't the boys expect me to be little?"

"No baby." Mal laughed lightly. "The boys will just be happy to spend a day with their ruffian, big or little."

"You just admitted I'm not your precious baby." I point at Mal before she grabs my finger.

"You'll always be my precious baby, but you're wild with the boys." Mal smiles as I laugh.

I nod, "Okay, that's fair."

"Ready to go?" Mal asked as she pulled me up from the bed and I nodded.


When we finally get to the boys dorm, Mal knocks on the door shouting for them to get up. I laugh at Mal's eye roll when there's shouting back.

"Y/n!" Jay shouts as he pulls me into a hug and I try to wriggle out.

"Carlos help!" I shout but he only betrays me and helps Jay throw me on his bed. "Traitor." I sigh as I sit up.

"Okay, her little bag is here, I've got to get going." Mal smiled and I was quick to rush over to hug her.

"Bye." I whispered as Mal kissed the top of my head.

Mal pulled away before looking at the boys. "Don't break my baby."

"Yes ma'am." Carlos laughed before Mal left.

Jay clapped his hands together, "So, what's first?"

"Do we have any games?" I was quick to ask.

Carlos nodded before leading me over to the tv. The first few video games Carlos played with me until Jay swapped out but the whole missions and fighting soon bored me. It was a repeat of the other levels before but with a new person to attack or befriend.

I was quick to leave Jay fighting on his own as he seemed really into the game and I didn't really know what I was doing half the time. I smiled as I noticed Carlos sitting on his bed doing something on his laptop.

I plopped down next to him, laying down and placing my head on his lap, as he had his laptop resting on a pillow in front of him.

"Hello to you too." Carlos laughed as I turned to his laptop.

"What are you doing?" I quickly ask.

"I'm designing something for..." Carlos started and I whined as he just continued. "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm bored." I whined as I turned so my face was facing up. Bored was a half truth. I could feel myself slipping and I was now going in between headspace and I was never in between headspace without Mal. Or a caregiver and unfortunately the boys weren't caregivers.

"You also sound like you need a nap." Carlos chuckled and I immediately sat up.

"You're wrong." I huffed, "And you're supposed to be fun."

Carlos raised an eyebrow at me. "Okay, what about a fort huh?"

"Really!" I lit up slightly.

Carlos nodded, "Do you want to go collect your blankets."

I rapidly nodded before rushing to my dorm. This will be the best fort ever. I made sure to grab my trusted raccoon, Masks, they couldn't miss out on this.

I was barely able to know on the door, well I was barely able to see. I had grabbed all the blankets I could. And I have a lot of blankets.

Jay opened the door, gasping at all the blankets. "Carlos! Did you know she had this many blankets?"

I giggled as Carlos peeped over Jay's shoulder. "Oh my..."

"I like soft stuff." I inform as I shrug. "Blankets are really soft."

"Here let's set up the fort." Carlos said before took all of the blankets in my hands. "Who's the raccoon?"

They finally noticed my buddy in my hand and I smiled. "You know Masks!"

"Oh, of course." Jay nodded. "How could you forget Carlos?"

Soon enough our epic fort was built and it draped over chairs and the tv, so we were still able to watch films.

I believe we were in the middle of the second one when I started to feel sleepy. Laying my head on Carlos' shoulder as he rubbed my back, clearly noticing my mood.

"Stop..." I whined as I tried to get Carlos to stop stroking my back as it made me more sleepy. I didn't want that.

"Someone's cranky." Jay laughed and I just glared at him. "Sorry."

I laid my head back on Carlos' shoulder, not being able to keep my eyes open anymore.

{Mal's POV}

I finally finished all the work that needed to be done. Planning Cotillion and all the other Lady of the Court things were a lot.

I finally got to the dorms, deciding to go to Y/n's and I's dorm to freshen up before going to collect her from the boys. Once I got to the boy's dorm and Jay had opened the door, it was clear the boys had been both on their bed and a fort covering half of the room.

I pointed to the fort, "She's in there, isn't she?"

"You know it." Jay stepped aside as I went towards the fort.

I knelt down, lifting a blanket. "Oh, Y/n."

Y/n was dead asleep with her stuffie tucked under her arm and her thumb in her mouth. I climbed into the fort. I gently sat my girl up as she whined.

"Oh, I know. Mama's not allowed to wake you, huh?" I teased.

Y/n immediately shook her head. "Nu."

I gently pulled her thumb out her mouth. "Cheeky girl."

Y/n huffed as she basically collapsed against me, laying her head on my shoulder. I managed to climb out the fort with Y/n still in my arms. Barely being able to stand until Jay helped me up.

"Thanks for taking her." I smiled as I readjusted the koala that clung to me.

Carlos smiled, "I'll always take the little monster."

"Shhhh." Y/n hushed us. "Loud."

We all seemed to laugh at the little before I left. Taking her back to our dorm so she could have a proper nap.


Words: 1034

Sorry this chapter took to long. I couldn't decide what to do with this so this was the best I though of for the time. 

Happy Tuesday! Don't forget to vote!

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