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Y/n's most recent hobby that she has taken up as being climbing, and along with that, scaring everyone whilst she does it. She finds it funny when we all get up to rush to her when she slips even the slightest.

"She's doing it again," Carlos sighed looking at Y/n who was climbing a high tree, as there wasn't anything higher around.

I nodded, acknowledging what was happening but decided not to look for myself. I knew she would be alright, well I hoped so. She had climbed a lot higher and was okay. She'll be fine. There was a doubt with the tree as branches could easily snap but I decided not to think about all the possibilities.

"Mal! Look!" Y/n called and shook my head.

"I'm busy right now Y/n," Truth be told I wasn't that busy I was just reading through some text books and I could have turned for a second but I didn't want to know how high she was.

"Mal, pleaseeee." Y/n begged, Jay looked over at her and even he looked worried so I had to look over.

Y/n was high up, normally she stuck to the middle of the tree, she was hanging from a branch that looked like it would snap any second.

"Y/n Gothel, get down right now!" I practically screamed. Y/n instantly froze, sitting on the branch, as I realised my mistake. "I'm sorry baby." I was quick to apologise, "I just don't want you getting hurt."

"Okay." Y/n barely spoke above a whisper. I knew then I had screwed up.

Jay and Evie stood underneath her as Carlos and I tried to keep her calm and guide her out of this. Because we started to panic, Y/n now realised how far out she was and how she could get seriously hurt, causing her to panic as well. Just before she got to the end the branch broke.

Jay instantly moved below her, she had held off the broken bit as the rest of us missed the fallen branch. Y/n immediately looked at me and I could see the fear in her eyes and I knew she was slipped.

"You're okay, bubs. I promise." I smile as best as I could after my heart just dropped.

Carlos came closer, whispering. "I don't think talking to her as if she was little is going to help right now. We don't want her slipped."

I didn't take my eyes away from Y/n as I replied. "She already is."

Carlos took a step back, as in a way to surrender before Jay started to talk up to her. "Y/n, I'm going to need you to let go. I'll catch you."

I assumed Jay's plan fell on deaf ears as Y/n only kept eye contact with me and only seemed to reply to me, even if it was just a head movement.

"Baby, you need to let go. Jay's going to catch you." I kept calm, trying my best to get her down without going up there myself.

Y/n shook her head, "Can't."

"You can baby," I stood closer, hoping that would ease her slightly. "Look, it's Jay." I pulled Jay to my side so Y/n could see him without looking down. Carlos took his place. "You trust Jay right?" I question and get a nod in reply.

"As you trust me, I'm going to catch you." Jay explained, only to get a head shake in reply. "Just let go when I tell you, think of it like a trust fall... or drop." Jay smiled, trying his hardest to not be mean about it. Big Y/n could take it, but Little Y/n, no way.

Y/n nodded, only looking at Jay for a few seconds before looking back at me. "You let go when mama says." I state, earning another nod.

Jay stood back underneath her, it felt like my heart stopped as I watched in what felt like slow motion. Y/n dropped and thankfully Jay caught her.

I instantly went to take Y/n from Jay's arms, causing her to wince in pain.

"What's wrong?" Carlos asked, clearly confused and worried. I think we all were.

"Hurt." Y/n looked down as she pointed to her ankle.

"You hurt your ankle sweetheart?" Evie asked, Y/n nodded and turned into Jay.

I reached out again, "Come here baby."

Y/n immediately falls into my arms, her arms going straight around my neck as she hides her face in my chest. I rubbed her back as I felt her lip start to wobble.

I start to walk away from the group as I get a better hold on my baby. "Let's go see the nurse."

"Owwie." Y/n mumbled into my chest and I nodded.

"I know it hurts bubs but maybe if you're super brave the nurse will give you a lolly. How about that?" I tried to cheer her up but I knew there was nothing I could really say. Y/n only nodded as a reply.

I saw all the stares we got as I continued to rush us to the nurse. Some of concern and some still of judgement. I still don't see how some people can be against littles, there are hundreds in this school, let alone Auradon.

We finally got to the nurses office and thank god she wasn't busy.

"What got this little one upset?" The nurse asked, after Y/n refused to turn away from me.

I sighed. "This little one decided to go climbing in a tree and then needed to jump down. I guess in the process she hurt her ankle."

"I guess this little Monkey won't be in the trees anymore, huh?" The nurse asked, poking Y/n's side who nodded her head rapidly. "Do you think you can turn away from your mummy? I need to get a good look at that ankle."

Y/n  only turned to be sitting sideways on my lap, now holding on to my top for dear life. "I can try to make her move all the way, if you would like?"

"No, I can get a good exam from here." The nurse smiled at me before Y/n. "I bet she just wants cuddles."

Y/n didn't fail to nod at that. She really did love her cuddles. Throughout the whole exam Y/n's grip never loosened. She shed a few tears when the nurse had to move her ankle about, but that was to be expected. I tried my best to keep her calm, whispering comforting words in her ear which only went so far.

"Good news," The nurse said after some silence and sitting at her desk. "She didn't break her leg so, no cast." I could just tell there was a but, "But, she will have to wear a boot, just for precaution, let it heal properly."

I nodded but Y/n didn't look so pleased. "Nu, pwease." She started to tear up again, the nurse was quick to jump in.

"Hey, brave girl, you're almost done. The boot will last for two to three weeks and you get to pick out a colour."

The nurse whispered as if it was their little secret. It took Y/n a minute before she nodded and the nurse brought out a box of different colour boots.

Y/n gasped before rummaging through the box, eventually pulling out a yellowish-golden coloured one. "'is one, pwease."

The nurse smiled, "Good choice."

Eventually we were about to leave when the nurse slipped Y/n a sweet before doing the 'shh' gesture. I smiled, whispering a thank you before we left, back to the group.

I called Evie to find them once we got back outside and I saw her waving, Y/n instantly tried to leave my arms and run over. It hurt to see how sad she was when I said no.

"How is she?" Ben now asked. Apparently he had seen us rushing through the halls and decided to find the group, thinking that was a better choice. And, of course, it was.

"She's okay. my brave little, huh?" I smiled, sitting down.

Y/n nodded, "bwave,"

After a while, going through what the doctor had told us I decided to take Y/n up for a nap, her eyes were definitely drooping.


Words: 1327

Didn't actually know how this was going to turn out but I like it...

Happy Wednesday! Don't forget to vote.

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