Mal's Return

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Today was the day, Mal was finally coming home from her traveling with Ben to different kingdoms. I was probably way too excited but I haven't seen her in weeks.

Sure I loved the time with the others, Evie, Jay, Carlos, and even Lonnie and Jane. But I missed my mama, and missing your caregiver as a little was the worse feeling ever. It was hard to sleep, I didn't want to eat. And the worse part, the lose of the ability to slip so easily. I knew Mal would hate that part when Evie or someone rats me out but hey, I couldn't help it. It was the only time I had been this far apart from Mal. For this long.

I got ready as quickly as I could, I didn't want to run behind my secret schedule. I had to be ready for Mal's return. I had to be.

I ran to Evie's room, banging on her door, hoping she's awake but if not I guess it's time to wake... I'll still be sorry.

"Y/n?" Evie yawned as she opened her door. "Are you okay?"

I nod rapidly. "Mal's coming home today."

"I remember." Evie smiled, "But why are you up at 6:30?" Evie questions after looking at her clock. "Especially since it's the weekend."

"Sorry. Did I wake you? I just wanted to ask if you could help me with some things. Oh do you think the boys are awake? I'll go check." I rambled before Evie stopped me from leaving.

"If Jay isn't up for training already, don't wake him." Evie says as she pulls me in to her dorm. I nodded, Jay can be grumpy in the morning.

"Have you eaten?" Evie asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Ummm." I think for a second before looking down, "No." Mal won't like that I forgot to eat.

"Hey, Y/n? It's okay." Evie rubbed my back for a second. "I'll make you something."

Evie proceeded to drag me back to my dorm, which was rude because I like her dorm. And everything in mine reminded me of Mal. Even my own bed.

But I guess she had to, her dorm doesn't have a mini kitchen like ours and she didn't want to go all the way to the actual kitchen and the cafeteria wouldn't be open just yet.

"What do we have to eat..." Evie asked as she searched my cupboards. I made sure she didn't move anything so it was just how Mal left it.

"We have pancake mix!" I suddenly remembered, finding it and getting it out for Evie.

"What do you want with them?" Evie questioned as she stood with the fridge open, already getting the blueberries out for herself.

"Strawberries." I smile. I like strawberries the most.

"You really are Mal's little." Evie somewhat laughed, but I didn't get what was funny so I just left it.

Soon enough we were sat on our couch, finishing our pancakes just as the show we were watching ended. Evie continued to watch the news as I decided to draw for a bit. I kept looking up at every mention of Mal. They were mostly just talking about how the travelling had ended and that she had stayed in Princess Jasmine's castle.

"Do you think the boys are awake now?" I question after Evie had turn the tv off and collected our plates. "It's almost 8:00."

"Maybe." Evie shrugged. I turned on the couch so I could see her as she entered the small kitchen again.

"Can we go check. Please." I begged, I wanted everyone here. I didn't want anybody missing. All together again.

"If we wake Jay, that's all on you." Evie point at me, straight in the face.

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