Crushing (Requested)

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{No one's Pov}

 The Vks were all sitting at lunch, debating something when they all noticed Y/n wasn't paying attention. They noticed she was staring in a certain direction, the direction of a certain boy.

During one of the only few classes Y/n has alone, she met someone called Tyler, the son of Prince Eric and Ariel. He was kind and funny. Not to mention his good looks. It was easy for Y/n to fall for him.

Y/n had become a clumsy, nervous and shy reck every time Tyler spoke or looked at her.

"Hey, what's up with Y/n?" Evie whispered to the group as they all looked out Y/n. "She's been acting... different recently."

Mal looked to Y/n before she followed her little's gaze to the boy across the field. "I think someone has a little crush."

That broke Y/n out of her daydream. She snapped her head to look at the group. "What? No!"

Mal laughed softly and put her arm around her shoulder. "Come on, you know we're right."

The gang share a look of amusement before they all look over to Tyler. Carlos and Jay then looked at each other and nodded before Jay spoke. "Keep an eye on Tyler?"

Carlos nodded in agreement and Y/n frowned. "Guys, please don't do that!". Evie and Mal laughed as the boys shrugged, clearly not caring that Y/n didn't want them to be that protective over her.

After a week or so of the Vks keeping a close eye on Tyler, they noticed how happy Y/n got whilst near him. They could also see that he was caring towards her. But they still couldn't approve of him, not yet.

One afternoon, Y/n sat down at the lunch table, clearly excited about something.

"What's got you so happy?" Mal laughed a little and smiled as she spoke.

Y/n smiled as she looked up from her food to everyone. "I have a date!"

Everyone froze. No one was ready for this whatsoever, although they all knew it would be Tyler's doing. It took them a moment before Mal spoke first. "Tyler asked you out, on a date?"

"He's getting me at 6!" Y/n grinned and nodded before she started to eat. The rest of the gang shared a look, clearly not happy about this situation, but what could they do? As long as their little one was happy, right?

There was another long moment of silence before Evie spoke. "We could help... pick out an outfit, give you a few tips?"

Y/n smiled and looked back at the group. "Really? That would be great... I'm a bit nervous..."

Mal sighed and put her arm around Y/n, pushing away that motherly part of her that wanted to say that she couldn't go. "You'll do great. I know you will."

Eventually, it became 6pm. Tyler was sitting on the couch in Y/n and Mal's room, waiting for Y/n as she finished getting ready with Evie in the bathroom. Mal and Jay sat opposite of the boy, staring him down slightly.

"So fish boy..." Jay started, "Can I call you fish boy? I'm going to call you fish boy." Jay leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees. He was trying to intimidate the boy as he spoke, not allowing Tyler to get a single word in. "What are you going to do with Y/n..."

"And your intentions?" Mal jumped in, her arms crossed over her chest. She wasn't holding back from how protective she was being. After all, this was her baby.

"I... uh, I just really like Y/n. I promise to treat her with respect and care." Tyler mumbled slightly, definitely intimidated.

Mal hummed, still staring him down. "And what time will you be back?"

"9:30... at the latest..." Tyler gulped, he remembered that Y/n had a tight schedule, or well, Mal wasn't going to let her out late.

Jay and Mal shared a look before Mal leaned in. "And if you ever hurt her,"

"Or break her heart." Jay chipped in.

"You'll see what a true villain is... Understood?" Mal said as she looked straight into his eyes, hers glowing green.

Tyler's eyes widened before he quickly nodded, just as Y/n was coming out of the bathroom with Evie.

"Good." Mal and Jay both quietly said as they stood up, looking at Y/n.

Y/n smiled, in a nice summer dress, that was of course her classic deep red colour. It matched her raven hair perfectly as she wore it in a half up half down bun.

Tyler stood up and smiled as he walked towards her. "You look really pretty."

Y/n mumbled a small thank you as Jay could be heard almost growling at the boy, still wanting him to have his guard up.

Y/n noticed and quickly ushered the boy out before any more threatening things could happen. Before Y/n was out of the door, the Vks pulled her back, Evie and Carlos giving her the soft but still protective speech.

Evie started. "Hey, we know we've been teasing you and been maybe a little over protective."

"We haven't." Mal quickly said as Jay nodded, agreeing with her which made Evie roll her eyes and Y/n laugh a bit.

"What we're trying to say is, have a good time, yeah? And we'll come get you at any time, if needed." Carlos finished for Evie.

"I will." Y/n smiled and hugged Carlos.

She tried to leave again before Mal pulled her into a hug and whispered into her ear. "I want to know when you're on your way home."

Y/n nodded before she pulled away again, this time she wasn't stopped. She took Tyler's hand before she was on her way. 


Words: 978

I feel like I'm spoiling you guys, lol.

I hope this was a good chapter, I know this was a long waited one <3

Happy Monday! Don't forget to vote!

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