Ch 1 taken from greif

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I'm percy and a few months ago I saved olympus for the second time in my life. The seven and myself had been awarded
and we were heading back to camp. I was offered godhood again but I turned it down to stay with Andrew but then he was offered godhood and accepted it. I was so heart broken......

. Flashback

"Persephone jackson I Zeus king of the gods offer you godhood once again along with the opportunity to join the Olympian council. Do you accept?" Zeus said to me.

"I don't accept." I told him and looked over at Andrew s.

"Fine. What do you want?" He asked me

" I want you to remove Andrew's and my demigod scents." I told him sweetly

"Um.... Sure" he said confused " someone summon Hecate and I'll award the rest of the seven."

My father stood up and said "I will" then walked out of the throne room.

Zeus then continued the ceremony "Andrew chase. We offer you godhood do you accept?"


"The word rings through my head as my entire world comes crashing down. I look straight at him as he turns to me and just shrugs. I start crying silent tears. Aphrodite then started to freak out.

"WHAT?! WHAT?! SHE LITERALLY FELL THROUGH TARTARUS FOR YOU AND YOU JUST LEAVE HER! SHE DID EVERYTHING SHE COULD FOR YOU AND YOU JUST LEAVE HER!" Her screaming continued but I couldn't hear it over the sound of my entire life crashing down on top of me as I fall to my knees. I couldn't even feel the earthquake I started In the throne room. it was so powerful that after it finished I passed out from loss of energy.


When I regained consciousness I was on the ground in the throne room. Everyone was covered in dust and there were cracks on the ceiling. I could feel them looking at me. I stood up and said "I' sorry?"

Zeus then says " it's fine I guess. Let's continue "

The other Olympians murmured in agreement then they continued. I really didn't hear the rest I just heard that Leo asked for Calypso to be freed only to find that she didn't want to be. She had already found another hero who she fell in love with. They now were living on the island together and leo was alone. When he heard the news he just nodded and walked out of the room not bothering to ask for another gift.

Frank was rewarded with his life no longer relying on a piece of firewood. Jason was rewarded with the memories he had lost being given back to him along with is new sword that was forged by Hephaestus himself. The sword was celestial bronze with imperial gold lightning designs on it. Piper was given gold armor that can turn into a charm bracelet and if she adds a charm to it the charm's design appears on the armor. Hazel was given the ability to travel between now and the time she was originally from.

After we were all awarded we all walked out together... well without Andrew and leo. I noticed them each periodically glance over at me. i didn't care. All I wanted was Andrew but I knew that wouldn't happen. Finally jason spoke up.
"So percy are you going back to Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter?"

"Neither" I said

"Then where are you going?" Piper said

"Back to my mom's house" I told them. "I miss her"

"Oh" frank said

As we exited the Empire State Building we went our separate ways. I went to my mother's house. Frank went to Camp Jupiter and Jason and piper went to Camp Half-Blood

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