chapter 23

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Sorry for the wait guys. I hope you enjoy. There will be mild sexual content in this chapter, but there is a warning where it starts and an anthors note where it ends.

Percy pov-

"Hey pipes" I croak at the unconcious girl.

"I know we were never really close, but I just need someone to talk to," I say "like girl to girl. I wish you were awake so we could talk, but this is all we've got for now."

I pause.

"Im scared" My voice cracks "I don't know what I'm doing anymore. We're attacking an enemy base tomorrow. I want to fight for olympus, but I'm scared. I don't want do give my life. I don't want to lose Leo. I've never felt this way before. I have too much to risk this time. With Andrew it was different. I loved him, but... ugh. I didn't constantly worry about losing him. I didn't fear death back then either. I... if I die and leo lives, I'll have to be apart from him. Piper, I can't be apart from him. He's holding me together. I need you to wake up soon, so you can talk back to me and assure me that everything will be fine."

I stop and feel tears building up in my eyes. "Im gonna go now. Just, if you can hear me, try to wake up...please. I'll see you later, pipes."

I dry my eyes and turn to leave the room.

"We all miss you, Pipes." I say, as I pull the door closed.

As I walk to the training arena, I think about my fears. What if we lose? What if I lose Leo?

Leo walks toward me, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Hey" he says, smiling.

"Hey" I say.

"Are you okay?" He asks

"Just worried about tomorrow." I say

"Me too, but we've been training a lot and I know we'll be fine." He assures me

I just nod.

"If you want, we can skip training today."

"No. I want to make sure we are ready for tomorrow. I don't want you getting all."

"We'll be fi-"

"You don't know that!" I say "You can't see the future!"

"I promise you we-"

"Don't make promises unless you know you won't break them." I tell him. "I'll see you at training and if not I'll see you tonight."

He runs his hands through his hair and I walk away.

I go to the arena and see Clarisse watching her younger brothers and sisters sparring.

"Hey" I walk over to her "You wanna train with me?"

"Yeah" she says, excitedly.

We get into positions. I hold Riptide and she holds Maimer.

She starts by charging at me with the spear pointed at me. I move to the side and turn around to face her again.

We continue with attempting to hit each other for a while until eventually her defense falters on her right side. I quickly feign a move to her left, before going to her right and placing riptide at the side of her neck.

"Yield?" I ask

"No, you?" She replies and I feel the cold metal of a dagger on my back.

"No. Draw?"

"Yeah" she takes the weapon from my back and I remove riptide from her neck.

"Let's walk, Jackson." She says to me

"Okay" I reply, surprised.

We walk in silence for a few minutes.

"Look, I suck at these type of things. I understand how you feel."

"What do you mean?" I ask

"You're scared about tomorrow." She tells me. "I'm scared every time we march into battle. I'm scared that Chris will die or that I'll die and Chris will be alone to grieve. You're scared of losing Leo because you know that if either one of you die and the other doesn't, you'll be alone."

"I..." My voice cracks "I don't want to die. I want to live, but if Leo dies I'll feel dead inside. I don't know if I can take another heartbreak."

"If he dies, you will see him again. If the fates take him, I'll be here for you, punk." She says "okay?"

"Thanks" I say.

"Remember that" she says "I gotta go. I expect you to be there for me if I lose Chris."

"Of course I will." I say "see ya later"

She walks away and I keep walking until I get back to the arena, where I practice a little bit more.

Eventually everyone leaves and I'm left with the training dummies. I just keep slashing and stabbing nonstop.

I don't even realize that it becomes dark until I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn and see Leo.

He looks worried and nervous.

"It's late. We should go to bed."

I nod and we walk to my cabin. He takes off his shirt and gets into my bed.

I take off my shoes and lay next to him.

I put my lips on his and he kisses back instantly. I put my hands in his hair and his run up and down my back.

A/N Warning small amount of mild sexual content ahead. Nothing graphic, but just to ba sage I put a warning in!!!

His hands move under my shirt and my skin tingles everywhere he touches.

I pull away for a second to pull my shirt over my head and pull on his belt. He pulls away to look at me.

"Do you really want to do this?" He asks

"Yes. I don't want to risk dieing without ever having been with you."

"Have you ever...?" He trails off, but I know what he's asking.

"No" I say

"Okay, well it's going to hurt." He says

"I know" I say

"Okay" He says, before pulling me back in for a kiss.

My fingers fumble around with his belt buckle, but finally I undo it and he pulls it from his belt loops.

He unclips my bra and I pull it off.

"Okay, I'm going to finish indressing, you undress too." I say

Once we finish, he kisses me passionately.

He lays me down on the bed.

A/N Sexual content is now over.

It was like nothing I've ever experienced.

At first, it was painful, extremely painful. Them it felt good. I was in Elysium.

We fell asleep with me on his chest.

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