chapter 10

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Jason pov:

We followed Percy while she chased Leo because we didn't want her to kill him.

We couldn't hear their quiet conversation but we did see then kiss and then continue talking. They walked off to the beach and since it was a more open space we could hear them more clearly.

We hear their short conversation



"I decided on what I want you to be"

"And what would that be"


Both me and Frank are speechless.

"I say we confront them tomorrow." He says

"Agreed" I reply and we both go back to my cabin because his siblings are very... temprimental and he doesn't want to provoke any of them by being there.

Leo pov:

"Mine" she sleepily uttered.

I never thought one word could be spoken so perfectly. I feel he body relax against mine and I hug her extra tight.

I get up carefully and pick her up bridal style.

Where should I take her?

It's pretty late seeing as how the stars and night sky are above us, but where would she want to go? Her cabin or mine?

I take percy to her cabin and I can't bare to see her so alone in this dark cabin for the entire night so I slip my camp t-shirt off and climb in next to her.

"Goodnight, princess" I kiss her forehead and fall asleep next to the prettiest girl I've ever known.

"You are so out of my leugue " I chuckle and fall asleep.

Percy pov:

I wake up on something hard an warm. I sit up and realize it's leo.

The first thing I do is check under the blanket to make sure I'm still dressed.

"Oh thank the gods" I whisper

I climb out of my bed and think. I didn't have any nightmares last night. Thanks pyromaniac

He looks so peaceful in his sleep.

I grab a towel and some clothes and get into the shower.

I go into the bathroom and lock the door.

I get in the shower and I notice something on the floor.

Could i? Should i? (A/N see what I did there?)

No I really shouldn't but... I reach down and pick up my blade. Before I register what I'm doing I slide it across the scarred skin on my arm.

That cut doesn't satisfy me so I do another and another and another. I get out of the shower and get dressed but I'm still holding my blade.

Why can't I put it down? I don't think I should be doing this. The rational part of my mind tries to get me to stop but I cant.

It feels so good.

Before I know it there is a puddle of blood pooling around my bare feet and still flowing from my mutilated wrist.

I start to feel light headed and tipsy. I can finally let go of the blade but I cant hear it or feel it fall. I can only hear my heart beating and feel my blood draining.

Suddenly I feel very light. Kind of like I'm walking on air, except I'm not walking I'm falling.

My vision goes blurry and I'm vaguely aware of the distant sound of someone calling for me. As the darkness consumes me I think.

Oh, what a nice way to leave.

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