Ch 3 content with pain

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I woke with a start. I had another nightmare. I had been living with Gabe for a few months now and my nightmares just got worse.

They consisted of Tartarus and a few went back to my childhood. I saw some about a new threat to olympus. I am not getting involved though. I made that promise to myself all those months ago when I left that throne room.

' I'm hungry ' I thought. So I climbed out of the crawl space in my room. I then actually thought about how long it's been since I last ate. ' um... well I ate two days ago at school when my friend gave me her pudding cup.'

Lately I have become very thin. I have been starved for days at a time so I just play it off as an eating disorder at school. Gabe doesn't want to waste money feeding trash like me so I usually don't eat much. At first it was hard and I was constantly hungry but now I'm just used to barely eating enough to survive.

I have a job as a clerk at a candy store. My mom did that for a while so I thought why not. It isn't like I have anything else to do. Also I have to pay all of the bills so I kind of needed a job. I don't use any of the money for myself it all goes to Gabe as soon as I get paid...

I was taken out of my thoughts by Gabe walking out of his bedroom and into the bathroom.I walked out of my bedroom and into the kitchen quickly making some eggs for Gabe's breakfast. I slightly burned one so I hope he's too drunk to notice.

When he walks into the kitchen I give him the eggs. That's where the problems start....

He picks up the scrambled eggs on a fork and scoops them into his mouth. He instantly chokes and grimaces.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT, BITCH. I LET YOU LIVE UNDER MY ROOF AND YOU SERVE ME THIS SHIT. IT IS BURNT." he screamed while hitting me in the face. He kicks me in the knee and when I fall to the ground he continues to kick me in the stomach. Finally he was finished and walked out of the room.

I groaned and rolled over and started coughing up blood. I stumble over to the sink and quickly use the water to heal me. I then proceed to clean up the blood from the floor

Only a few more months and I can leave this awful place. I'm going to join the army. I was trained as a soldier so it shouldn't be that hard to do it for the US army. It won't be too different.

I walk into the living room and grab the newspaper off of the table. I quickly walk back to my room, fall onto the bed, and check the date "Saturday January 23." I sigh and get up. Work.

Putting on my uniform and shoes I walk out of my room and into the bathroom and start using makeup to cover up my wounds. Once I feel comfortable that they're all covered I walk out of the bathroom.

"Gabe I'm going to work" I called to him

I heard a muffled "I don't care" then walked to the door and walked out of my own personal hell on earth.

Water In My Eyes, Fire In My Heart (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now