chapter 18

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Please read the following authors note

A/N trigger warnings this chapter will include self harm and possibly other triggering things. If you find this triggering I would suggest not reading it but I cant keep you from reading this

"Okay let's continue." Zeus bellows. "Percy, it's your turn."

Leo pov-

Zeus said it's Percy's turn. I know she doesn't want to do it but she has to.

We all take our seats on the couch again and Dionysus puts his hand on Percy's forehead. Her eyes flash purple and her body goes limp against mine.

I am so happy she sat next to me and that she is leaning on me and not Will Solace.

The lights in the room dim and a video was projected onto the wall.

Percy, Jason, Frank, Piper, and Hazel are all walking out of the Empire State Building together.

"So percy are you going back to Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter?" Jason asked

"Neither" she said

"Then where are you going?" Piper said

"Back to my mom's house" percy told them. "I miss her"

"Oh" frank said

They went their separate ways. Percy went to her mother's house. Frank went to Camp Jupiter and Jason and piper went to Camp Half-Blood

She walked down so many streets until she got to an old rundown apartment building. It was small and looked about ready to collapse

She walked up to the door when an alarm started going off. It was like a fire alarm. She ran inside and tried to get to the stairs but there was fire in the stairwell.

She started coughing really badly. She was aboDa! |\ut to run through when a fire fighter grabbed her and pulled her outside.

Yelled at them about how her mom was in there and how she had to help but they wouldn't let her go back in

They brought out the deceased people ND there was a woman among them that Percy recognized.

She broke down and cried. Cried for her mom. Cried for herself.

The screen goes dark and lights back up a few seconds later with Percy sitting in a chair at the police station.

She has her head in her hands ad she's listening to the social worker in front of her.

"So we found that you have one living relative willing to take you in." Percy looks up confused at the woman


"Well he isn't technically blood relative, but he was married to your mom for a long time and then they were going to get divorced. Your mom never finished the paperwork so he is able to be your guardian."

"Who" Percy's voice was scratchy

"His name is Gabe Ugliano" The social worker told her

"I can't go there" she tried to argue but they wouldn't have any of it.

"It will be fine. You're just grieving your mom." She told Percy "I'm sure he is a nice man. We will send some people to check out his house and all to see if he is an okay adult"

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