chapter 26

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Neutral pov-

Reyna was having a bad day. First, New Rome was attacked by weird monsters that looked like the campers from Camp Half-Blood. Next, she had to call Jason and ask what those monsters were. Finally, she was approached by an annoying boy and a god.

"Reyna, daughter of Bellona, I suppose." Neptune said.

"Yes, my lord."

"Valdez and I must ask a favor of you." He told her.

"What do you need, Lord Neptune?" She asked him.

"My daughter, Persephone, I think you know her, is hurt." He said

"I'm not a healer." Reyna replied.

"I'm know, but Leo tells me that you can lend strength to people. He said that you did it with the son of Pluto when you were transporting the Athena Parthenos."

"Yes, I do have that power."

"My daughter could heal herself with water, if she had the strength to use her powers." Neptune told her. "So, could you help us out?"

"I can help, yes, but I thought water would give her strength. She's done it before I think." Reyna told him.

"She can't convert the water into energy be a use she can't use her powers." Leo spoke up.

"I'm sorry. Why are you even here?" She aked Leo. "Last time you were here, you fired on us."

"He's here because it was his idea." Neptune told her. "So, will you come with us back to Camp Half-Blood?"

"Sure." He flashed them all back to Camp. "I have matters to attend to. I'll return when you need to go back to Camp Jupiter."

Neptune was now in his Greek form, Posiedon.

"Thanks, Lord Posiedon." Leo said. "I'll take you to her."

Leo leads her to the infirmary and brings her to where Percy is located.

Reyna was shocked at how Percy looked. She was pale and thin and looked rather sickly.

"Are you going to do it?" Leo asked impatiently.

"First, tell me why you are doing this. I assume it was your idea to bring me here. Why?" Reyna asked him.

"I love her. I'm in love with her and I promised that she'd be safe, but she got hurt in battle. Will said that he couldn't use too much nectar and ambrosia and that she didn't have the energy to heal herself. I need to make sure she is okay. I couldn't sleep or eat until I found a way to heal her."

"I thought that she was with Andrew Chase." Reyna stated.

"I though Jason would have told you, or even Frank and Hazel would."

"I haven't heard anything of Percy since the end of the war." Reyna was confused.

"After the war, we were all offered godhood and all of us declined except Andrew. Percy left and disappeared. I did too, but for a less extreme reason." Leo explained. "Now that there is a threat. Jason and Frank tracked us down and brought us back. We started seeing each other pretty quickly after."

Reyna nodded. "Given that she is in such a weak state, I will be very tired after this. You will have to brink Frank here, so I can explain things to him about Rome." Leo nodded. "You should also have some water ready for her to heal herself."

He nodded again and grabbed a glass of water from beside another camper's bed. "Sorry, I'll get you a new glass of water." He told them.

Reyna grabbed Percy's hand and felt the power and energy flow out of her, as it was replaced with exhaustion. She sank into the chair beside Percy.

Percy sat upright in bed with a yelp.

"Hey." Leo said "heal yourself with the water."

"Good to see you too." She said. He gave her a look and she did as he told her.

The water washed over her wound and healed it completely. Her skin also became a shade darker and the bags under her eyes faded.

"That felt really good." She said. That's when she noticed Reyna sleeping in the chair beside her. "What did I miss?"

"Well, I was worried, so I asked Reyna to come here and lend you some of her strength." He explained

"How much strength?!" Percy said. "She looks like she hasn't slept for five years!"

"I didn't know it would take so much out of her."

"Any usage of power makes you tired. Reyna doesn't use this often, so she isn't very skilled in it and it would take much more out of her than it takes for you to set yourself on fire. I can't believe you would put her in danger to save me!" Percy was clearly upset.

"She didn't have to. She agreed."

"Whatever. Just help me get her into this bed." Percy climbed out of the bed and carefully removed her IV. They lifted Reyna onto the bed and Percy ran to the nearest healer.

It was will.

"Oh my gods, percy!" He exclaimed. "How are you up?!"

"I'll tell you later, but now you need to help Reyna." Percy told him

"Okay." He walked over with percy and started checking on Reyna. After a minute or two of examining her. "What happened?"

"She has this power where she can lend her strength to people-" Leo started

"I know that. Nico told me. But why is she in this condition."

"She used her power so Percy would have enough strength to heal herself with water and is now very unconcious."

"She just needs to sleep it off. She'll be fine." Will started. "I'm happy you're okay, Percy." He hugged her and she hugged him back.

"Are you still mad at me?" Leo asked

"I'm less angry, but not happy that you did that." She looked at him

At that moment jason, Frank, and Piper entered the room.

"Percy!" Frank said before giving her a hug.

Once they were done, she hugged Jason and Piper. "I'm so happy to see you up." Percy told her."

"You too." Piper replied.

"What happened to Reyna?" Jason asked

Leo explained it all again. "She wanted Frank to come see her. I was going to get you in a minute anyway."

Frank moved closer to Reyna and started shaking her shoulder.

She groaned and opened her eyes.

"You needed to see me?" He asked

"Um, yeah. I need you to ask Chiron if the Romans can come here to assist you in the war. If he says yes, command the Romans to come here."

"Okay, I will. Go back to sleep." She didn't even reply before closing her eyes and going back to sleep.

Frank left the room he on go ask chiron and the remaining people just stood there.

"I'm tired." Percy said, making everyone laugh at her. "I need you am going to my cabin to sleep."

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