chapter 31

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Percy pov-

I was helping Mrs. Grey-Joy with dinner. We were having lasagna.

The timer went off and I opened the oven to pull it out. Once I had it, I went to set it down, but Mrs. Grey-Joy shrieked.

"Holly!" She quickly took the pan from my hand, with oven mitts and put it on the stove top. Once she started inspecting my hands, I realized that I hadn't worn oven mitts and it should burn. It didn't though.

"How are you not burned?" She asked

"I-I don't know." I was really confused. Suddenly, I felt dizzy again. I stumbled and leaned against the kitchen counter. "I don't feel very well. Maybe I should go lay down."

"I think we should take you to the hospital. You are clearly sick." She says.

I shake my head. "I don't have medical insurance and I can't afford any bills from the hospital."

"I can pay for it." She says

"I cant ask you to do that."

"You don't have to ask because I offered. Now, go get your shoes. I'm taking you to the hospital." She turned off the oven and I opened my mouth to protest. "No buts, Holly. Now. Go. Get. Your. Shoes."

I walked into t he living room and grabbed my shoes from the basket by the door.

When Mrs. Grey-Joy met me by the door, I spoke. "Look. It really isn't necessary. I'm fine."

"You touched a burning pan and you aren't burned and you're getting dizzy spells. We have to get you checked out by a doctor."

"I think I can explain the not getting burned thing. But, we should probably sit down. This can be quite overwhelming." We take a seat on the couch.

"I should've cone clean about this earler, but I don't want to go to a foster home. My name isn't Holly Hamilton. It's Percy Jackson and I'm 17. I was born in Manhattan, but when my mother died, I was sent to live with my abusive step-father. When he was caught, I went to stay at Camp Half-Blood."

"We wouldn't have had sent you away if you told us your name, but how does that explain the pan?" She asks

"What do you know about Greek mythology?" I ask.

"There are 12 gods and something about snakes in someone's hair? Oh and there lots of incest."

"Close enough. There are too many gods to count, but those gods go around and sleep with mortals. They would have children with the mortals and those children are called demigods. When I was 12, I learned that I am the product of a god and a mortal. My father is Posiedon and my mother was Sally Jackson." I tell her.

"That's crazy. There is only one God. You're pulling my leg." She says.

"I'm not. I can prove it. I be right back." I walk to the kitchen and fill a glass with water. When I return, she has her arms crossed.

"Look," I pull out Riptide and uncap it. My sword springs to life. I hold the blade against the palm of my hand and make a small slice. She grabs the sword and tries to take my hand. "One second."

"Holly- Percy- whatever your name is, that is stupid."

I grab the water and dip two fingers in, before holding them over my palm and letting the water fall onto the cut. Wherever the water touched, my skin stitched itself back together.

She grabbed my hand and looked at it where the cut should have been.


"My father is the god of the sea. I get my powers over water from him. I guess my water powers made it less likely for me to burn or something." I tell her.

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