chapter 14

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Percy pov :

I roll up my sleeves and for the first time notice clean white bandages on my wrists.

Ignoring it, I continue to look for old scars and bruises.

"Here are some bruises. I have alot more all around my body these ones came from a baseball bat, but most of the others came from beatings" I point our a few bruises on my arms and continue to look around my skin

I lift my shirt and see a jagged scar on my stomach

I wince remembering how I got it. "This was a particularly deep cut from when Gabe got drunk and dropped his beer bottle. He was angry and stabbed me with the broken bottle. Most of the cuts were from broken bottles"

I see a burn a little below the cut and point it out to the boys who are very upset now

"This I got from one of Gabe's poker buddies. He was smoking when I was bringing them food and decided to put out his cigarette with my skin."

I look around and I see Leo is looking at me sadly, frank is shaking his head, and jason is angry.

Leo says "That's all of it, right?"

I shake my head and I ask him to lift the back of my shirt.

He does and the three of them gasp

"These were the worst." I tell them about the lines on my back, most of which are completely healed now. "Gabe used to beat me with a leather belt and it hurt like hell. The metal part used to dig into my skin."

Leo crushes me in a hug and Frank and jason follow suit.

Will walks in and says "Sorry to ruin your moment but I have to say that you are free to go and I took the liberty to prescribe you some pills and vitamins."

"Okay, thanks will" He nods and walks out

I unwrap myself from the boys and say "Can we go? I want to leave this place."

"Yeah" Frank says and we walk out.

Once we are outside we see chiron coming over to us.

"Hello Percy, leo, frank, and jason. Tomorrow the gods want to see you four at their meeting on olympus. I expect you'll be there?"

"Sure" I say uncertainly


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