Ch 5 Freedom

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Today is my 17th birthday I am running away.i packed all of my clothes and took everything off of the walls. Without my sketches on them they look so bare. I shoved all of my clothes and sketches into a backpack and then decide that I should travel light.i remove everything from from my bag and reorganize it only to pic three sets of clothes and one sketch I drew of Andrew, Leo, Jason, Hazel, Piper, Frank, Reyna, Nico, and I.

With all of my things out of the room it looks the same as it did before I came here with the exception of the blood smudges and holes it the wall from the beatings I got from Gabe. The scars left on me from this experience will never fade and I know that because the memories are still fresh in my mind. I will never be able to rid my mind of the nightmares Gabe gives me

I grab my bag and I go to walk out the door to my room when Gabe comes stumbling into the room drunk and asks me where I'm going

"Were aret woo gwing" he slurred

"I'm going out" I reply

"Why do you got a bayg ovv yer stuff" he tried to say but I could barely translate

"I'm leaving this house" I said "forever"

Then he got angry because the next thing I know he punched me in the eye. I fell to the ground and immediately curled into a ball blocking my face while he continued to beat me. I hear a faint knock at the door before I succumb to darkness.

...................................................Surprise leo pov ..............................................................................
....................................I..............LINE BREAK

Me and Jason are meeting up with frank after we pack up my whole shop. He is in New York and told us to get to this cemetery ASAP so we finished packing quickly and I discovered jason was using the Argo II. We loaded up my bags and left for New York on my ship.

"jason I have a question." I told him

"Mmhmm" he said

"Why did you take the Argo II instead of frank"

"First I thought you would miss your ship" I smiled at that

"I did" I told him

"Also" he continued "me and frank figured you would be easier to find because we could use a satyr to track your scent."

"Why can't you track percy with a satyr?"

"Remember her gift from the gods was to have her scent taken away"

"Oh" I then asked "but you didn't bring a satyr to get me"

"Yes I did but when that weird monster attacked it killed the satyr and took my DNA"

"Oh my gods that poor satyr"

"I know. He was a good guy." He said "his name was Greg"

We spent the rest of the ride in silence

When we arrived at the cemetery frank waved us over to a grave that had old dead flowers on the dirt.

"Who is it" I asked

"Percy's mom" he said " she died in a fire"

"We can check with the cops to see if they know where she is" Jason suggested

"Yeah I think that'd be the best thing to do" frank agreed

So we went to the police station and had them search her in the data base.

"What's her full name" the officer asked Jason and Frank butted in

"Persephone Jackson"

"Okay boys it says here that she lives with her stepfather Gabe Ugliano in Detroit Michigan. They live at 310 Summit Ave." The officer told us

"Thank you miss we'll be on our way now" Jason said and we. Headed back to our ship and steered to Michigan
------------•---LINE BREAK

We were right outside of a house the size of a shoebox that was beaten up and looked just plain gross.

We go to the door and knock and wait a few minutes before we hear a loud huff and the door opens. The smell from inside was disgusting. It smelled like stale beer and cigarette smoke. I think I saw Frank gag.

The man in the doorway was a bald fat man who was obviously drunk.

"What dew ya want" he slurred

"Is percy here" frank said unsteadily

"Yeah but she doesn't want to see ya" the man said

"Just for a minute please Gabe I'm guessing is your name." Frank said a little more stable

"No" he said roughly and I looked down disappointedly while frank kept trying to get in I saw blood on Gabe's shoes

"Let us in right now Gabe" I said with power

"Why should I" he asks

"Because I think it's obvious that you are abusing her and if you don't let us in we'll call the cops" I told him. he stared at me shocked and slammed the door in our faces

Both Frank and Jason looked at me with confused faces And I explained

"He had blood on his shoes, most likely from kicking, and he didn't have an open wound on him. It was obvious."

"Alright now how do we get in though" frank said

"Window? " I said

"Sure" they said at the same time

We made our way around the house and to a window that was a few feet off of the ground. We looked in and saw Gabe enter the room and start kicking an unconscious small body on the ground.

"percy" I whispered and started to push the window open.

Frank was shocked for a moment about what he just saw then began to help and Jason helped me almost immediately after. He didn't look sad or upset he looked angry.

Once we opened the window the fat load, Gabe noticed us and was so surprised he just watched us climb through the window

"You two get the pig I'll get percy" I said and Gabe quickly ran out of the bedroom

"Okay" frank said and they advanced while I rushed to percy

She was face down on the ground so I flipped her over and immediately gasped. Her eye was bruised and swollen while she had blood spilling from a cut on her forehead and a busted lip.

I picked her up and she was much lighter than a 17 year old should be I saw a bag on the ground and a sketch book next to it so I held her up for a moment with one hand and grabbed that stuff. Once I had everything situated I carried her out of the room and saw Jason beating up Gabe while Frank called the cops and told them that Gabe was abusing percy.

They saw me and frank hung up the phone. They walked toward me.

"Is she okay" Frank asked

"She's alive but she's in pretty bad shape we should get her out of here and back to camp" they nodded and we went back to the Argo II where we got better looks at her wounds.

She had a broken rib, black eye, busted lip, tons of bruises all up and down her legs and arms, and tons of cuts covering her body.

We cleaned up most of her wounds and put her to bed in her old cabin. Before leaving her alone I kissed her forehead and whispered in her ear

"Don't worry we're going home"

Water In My Eyes, Fire In My Heart (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now