Ch6 explainations

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When I wake up I am on a soft warm bed and all I can think is that this isn't home. Maybe I'm dead. No I would have seen Charon. Maybe......

My thoughts are interrupted by voices outside of the door

"We should wake her up" a muffled voice said

"No she lost a lot of blood she needs rest" said another

"Sorry Frank I agree with Leo she needs her rest" was that.....?

I quickly jump up and run to the door. I open the door and see Leo, Jason, and Frank.

They all turn to me and stare at me before Jason hugs me. Since Thalia is a hunter they never see each other so I'm like his sister.

I bury my face in his shirt and let my tears fall. I have tried to keep from crying and screaming for so long that now, now that I'm finally with my family I cry.

Jason feels my tears on his shirt and lifts my chin up to meet his eyes, since I'm almost a whole foot shorter than him.

"I'm so sorry percy I should have been there with you. I shouldn't have let that monster hurt you" he told me

"Don't be sorry. I deserved it. I'm a problem. I'm nothing." I told him

"Don't ever think that. Why would you ever think that?" Frank says

"Andrew didn't want me, Gabe always says it, and I know that everyone would be better off without me" I say and the tears start to stream down my face again

"No." Leo says "Andrew is a jerk, Gabe is a monster, and we need you so much. You are so important"

"Yeah Perc we've been looking for you since just after you left." Jason added

"Im hungry" I say to change the subject and they walk to the kitchen with me.

I get water and some toast and eat most of the toast but I'm not very hungry. I start to sip my water and I see all three boys staring at my quizzically.

"What" I ask

"Well you just... Well....ugh" Frank tries to say but leo cuts in

"What he means is that you used to eat like everything and now you can't even finish a slice of toast..... What is wrong with you now."

" Well Gabe doesn't like wasting money to feed trash like me so I don't eat a lot anymore" I tell them

"Percy, please listen to us you are NOT trash. You are perfect, beautiful, powerful, and amazing." Frank says


I can't believe what happened to percy. She can't even eat normally and is seriously broken.

"If I'm so great then why did Andrew leave me? Why did Gabe beat me? Why? If you know than please tell me because I don't know." She says then she reals down into sobs.

We all go over to her and wrap her into a group hug. "Do you want to watch a movie? We installed a living room on the ship?" Leo asks and she nods

"I'll make the popcorn while you guys pick the movie" Jason says

After a lot of arguing we decided on Percy's pick finding Nemo

///////////////////////////////////////////After the movie

"That's such a good movie" she said and the rest of us could barely contain our laughter

"What's so funny"

" oh nothing kelp head other than the fact that your favorite movie is about fish" I said and she frowned

Then Frank shouted from the upper deck that we were almost at camp half-blood

"Well Perc it looks like we're almost home"

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