A lost hero to be found

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has been a few months since I came to New Orleans. My repair shop is really big in town and people come here a lot.
I am closing up the shop for the night when someone comes to the locked door and knocks.

I turn around but i don't see his face because it is covered by his hoodie. Walking toward the door I say "sorry we're closed"

The man replies with " aw come on repair boy"

I stood there dumbfounded and staring at him as he pulls down his hood revealing Jason.

"Just unlock the door Leo" he says and I immediately hesitate.

I spent all this time trying to get away from my old life and one person shows up here that will connect me to the very thing I'm running from.

"Come on leo" he says "open the door"

I step forward with every intention of opening the door when I hear someone yell as they charge Jason.

I was too shocked to warn him. The person attacking him was... jason?

I watch as the Jason I've been talking to morphs into a demonic monster with a horrific face and black holes for eyes.

He and Jason fight for a few minutes before the thing knocks jason out and is about to kill him with one final blow.i grab a hammer and run out the door. I tackle the monster to the ground and am about to kill it when it disappears in a swirl of black flames.

A few minutes later I remember jason is still there and I carry him inside. I bring him In and I lock the doors and windows. Laying him down on my bed I decide to let him have the bed while I take the couch.
--------------------the next morning--•-------------

I wake up to the sun streaming through the windows and the smell of food throughout the building. I get up and follow it to the kitchen where I see jason cooking.

"Hey" he says not bothering to look away from his food.

He is sitting at the table eating pancakes and bacon. Across from his seat is another plate which I'm guessing is for me. I sit down and start eating.

"We need to talk" he says and I look up and meet his electric blue eyes

"Yeah. What was that thing." I ask him

"It is an ancient monster from the darkest ark of Tartarus. They were thought to have been destroyed many eons ago but they are back. They can change shape to look like anyone or anything they have the DNA of. That one got my DNA and now it can look like me. They can only be killed with Olympian steel and fire.."

" The one from last dissapeared-" I started saying but he cut me off

"In black fire?" He asked and I nodded " they can teleport through black fire and they can conjure it for fighting."


"That's why I went to look for you. I started about a month ago because we think another war is going to happen between us and an unknown force."

"Oh. why do you need me jace? You and Percy and even hazel are more powerful than me."

He sighed and then started speaking "first you are really powerful and second percy is missing and hazel is back in her original time and we can't get a hold of her."

"Oh okay....... WAIT WHAT!"

"Yeah. I've been looking for you and frank is looking for percy" he said "now I have to convince you to come home ythen I'm going to go help frank. You can come if you want to."

"Sure" I said unsure of what to do then I thought of another question "where's piper?"

" She is at the infirmary at camp half-blood."

"What why"

"Um... Not long after you left a bunch of monsters attacked camp and we weren't ready. It was like midnight so most people were asleep and we all went out to find the monsters charging the closest cabin to them. The Aphrodite cabin. Most of them were okay, a few were injured, and piper was hit in the head and is now in a coma." He was now on the verge of tears.

"Oh my gods I'm so sorry. I didn't know jason" I said regretting asking about her.

"Don't worqry about it you had to know eventually."

"Um so what all do I need"

"I have a feeling that this war will be big so you should bring a lot of clothes and whatever else you think you need" he said

"Alright" I run into my room an get a duffel bag. My clothes are in my wardrobe so I grab most of it and shove it in the bag and run back out to the kitchen where I run to a drawer and immediatEly shuffle through it.

"What are you doing leo" Jason says and I ignore him finding what I need.

It is the sharpest knife in here. I quickly run out to my bedroom again and remove everything from my bed . I stab the knife down the untidily sewn line from so long ago. It rips open and I grab the small old fashioned key from the hole torn into my mattress.

"What is that" Jason says from the doorway

"A key"

"No duh, but what's it to."

"There" I pointed to the dresser drawer that I locked my demigod stuff in

Passing Jason I walk over to the drawer and take a deep breath before I open the drawer.

"Dude why are you so hesitant to open the drawer?" Jason asked me

"It's because I locked all memories of my demigod life in here, pictures, projects, and my tool belt." I told him

"Do you want me to open it" he asked me

"No I have to do it for myself"

With that i put my key in and twisted it. When I heard it clicking pulled open the drawer and saw some blueprints, pictures, sketches, and of course my tool belt which I immediately pick up and put on.

"Well, Jason do you want to help me pack? we have to help frank find percy so we can get back and fight another war"

For that night I only had one thought
............................I'm going home.

Water In My Eyes, Fire In My Heart (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now