chapter 24

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It will be written in past tense instead of present. Sorry if this confuses you. It's easier to write like that. This chapter is dedicated to shiper12 for being an awesome person who helps me if I have trouble with this story♡♡♡♡♡♡♡!!!!!!

Neutral pov
Jason was angry, to say the least. Everyone was supposed to meet at Thalia's pine tree, yet two very important people were missing.

The demigod campers were angry as well. Some were complaining, some were yelling, and some were talking about leaving.

"If Percy and Leo don't have to be here, why do we?" An Ares kid yelled

"Everyone stay here!" Jason yelled at the campers "I will go locate Percy and Leo!"

The son of Jupiter stormed to Percy's cabin and walked in.

He wished that he had knocked.

There was clothes thrown around the room and Percy and Leo were sprawled out on the bed.

Leo was topless with the blanket covering his bottom half which also had no clothes on. Percy had her bottom half covered with the blanket and she was on her side. Her breasts were covered by her hair and her arms which were pulled in close to her.

Jason picked up a pillow and threw it at the sleeping couple, before covering his eyes.

Leo and Percy both sat up. Percy winced and quickly crossed her arms over her chest. Her face was bright red.

"Oh my gods!" She exclaimed. "Im so sore!"

"I didn't need to know that!" Jason yelled, still covering his eyes.

"Water should help, because you heal in water." Leo told her.

"Jason, keep your eyes closed. I'm gonna go get dressed and leo is gonna get dressed too."

Percy walked over to the bathroom and quickly turned the water on. Once she touched the water, she felt refreshed and not sore anymore.

She put on a random camp t-shirt and denim shorts, before pulling her hair up in a tight ponytail. She walked out of the bathroom to catch Leo pulling on shoes. And Jason was glaring at him.

She grabbed her sneakers from the floor and slipped them on.

"Are we ready?" Jason asks. Percy nods after securing her wristwatch shield and checks for riptide in her pocket.

Leo did the same after pulling on his belt and grabbing his warhammer from the floor.

The three of them headed out to Thalia's pine tree and the campers sighed in relief.

"Sorry we're late. We overslept." Percy told them

"I wonder why?" Jason said sarcastically, making Percy glare at him. He gulped and Percy grinned

"So the plan is, to kill everything that you can. We know that the monsters can shape shift, so we are giving everyone special Olympian steel pins and weapons." The daughter of Posiedon explained. "Everyone get in an orderly line and we'll give you a pin and a weapon."

They get in a line and start retrieving their pins and favorite weapons. Percy found a pen that had her name on it, so she uncapped it and it became a replica of riptide that was forged in Olympian steel.

Once everyone had their weapons Jason spoke "Hermes has designed these so that only you can take it off and they can't be replicated. So, the monsters can't take them or make them."

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