chapter 33

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Percy pov-

I waited for his response, eagerly. I took it as a bad sign when he didn't say anything. He wasn't even looking at me anymore. His eyes were fixed on the ground, as if he were thinking. I pulled my eyes away from him and pull my knees up to my chest.

He lifts his head and looks at me.

"I'll be right back. One minute. I'll be back in a minute." He stands and holds his index finger up, before sprinting out of the room.

After a second, everyone else comes back in.

"What was that about?" Tom asks

"I told him and he said he'd be back in a minute." I look at her with a doubtful look.

"If he's doesn't want to be there for you anymore, I'm single." Charlie says

"If your dreams, kid." I say.

"I'm confused." Frank says. Jason nods in agreement.

"I'm-" I start, but I'm cut off by Leo stumbling into the room.

"Sorry. I had to make a call and your dad is on his way here." He says, before pulling something out from behind his back and tosses it to me. I catch it.

"An apple?" I ask. "In ancient Greece, if a man tosses an apple to a woman it's considered considered a marriage proposal."

"In have the ring, if you want that too." He pats his pockets and pulls out a small velvet box. He gets down on one knee. "So, what do you say? Persephone Andromedia Jackson, will you marry me?"

"Are you asking this because I'm pregnant?"

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?!" Frank, Jason, and my dad, who just walked into the room yell.

"Yes. Now, Leo, answer the question." I say

"I'm asking right now, because your pregnant and if we get married after its born it will be a bastard-"

"A what?!" I ask

"A bastard, a child born outside of marriage."

"Continue answering."

"If you weren't pregnant, I probably wouldn't have asked for a while longer. But, I already had the ring because I was planning to ask you at some point and I love you." He explains.

"Let me cut in!" Posiedon says.

"No!" I reply. Leo looks rather surprised. "I was telling him to shut up." Leo looks a little relieved. "Yes, Leo, I will marry you if my dad doesn't kill you."

"Oh Schist!" He turns toward my dad fearfully.

My dad's trident appears out of nowhere. And he points it at Leo.

"Okay, Mr. Posiedon. I don't know what to call you.

"Lord Posiedon to you, boy. Everyone else in the room can call me Posiedon, except Jason who will call me Uncle P, like all of my nieces and nephews." He says. "Valdez, I'll kill you for this. My daughter is still a child, herself. She is not ready to have a kid. You had the nerve to ask my permission to marry my child, but you didn't tell me that you impregnated her." He raised his weapon.

"Dad, we both took part in me getting pregnant. If you don't remember doing it with mom, you do need two people to preform the act of sex. I was not unwilling. He didn't pressure me into it. He even asked me if I wanted to and I said yes. You have no reason to harm him." I say.

"But, he's... ugh." My dad tries to argue with me. "Do you not remember how many girls he was with intimately while he was in New Orleans. I don't want a boy like that to be allowed to touch you. You are only 17. You aren't ready to start a family. I don't want you to... I don't want you to marry him and regret it for the rest of your life."

I finally realize that he's just being a father. He doesn't want me to do something that could end badly for me.

"If I find that I don't love him at any time, I can divorce him." I say

"Hera will not like that."

"Hera doesn't like me anyway." I smirk at him.

"I'm not talking you out of this, am I?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Fine. You have my blessing, but I don't like you Valdez and if you ever even hurt her feelings, or my grandchild, you will find yourself below sea level." Posiedon glares at Leo and gives me a hug. "I have to go." He kisses my forehead and pulls away.

"Thank you, Lord Posiedon." Leo says

"Don't talk, boy. I already want to kick you in the shin. Dont make this worse for yourself." Posiedon makes sure everyone closes their eyes, and flashes out.

"I think he still hates me. Probably more now, than ever." Leo says

"I wonder why?" I say sarcastically

"I know. I'm such great company aren't I?" He replies

"Yes." I say.

"Hazel didn't believe me when I told her that Leo and you dated." Frank says.

"I hope she believes it at the wedding." I say. "Oh no! Aphrodite is going to want to take me shopping! Share already made plans to shop together for maternity wear and baby stuff."

"So, when can you leave?" Leo asks

"I don't know. Why?"

"The sooner you're out, the sooner we can start planning our wedding-"

"It has to be on Montauk Beach." I interrupt him.

"Why?" He asks

"It's my favorite place in the world." I explain. "My mom met my dad there and she took me every year when I was growing up. I told her that when I got married, it would be on that beach because it was the most beautiful place in the world. I always dreamed of moving to Montauk. Please can we have it there?"

"Of course." He says.

I get out of the bed and say. "Let's get out of here. I hate hospitals."

"How do you feel about the infirmary?" Frank asks

"Love it." I say sarcastically.

AN This chapter was really short. It was just short of 1000 words and I'm sorry. I'll try to make the next longer.

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