chapter 32

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Percy Pov-

I hate morning sickness. It's more like all day sickness. It's insane. Why in the name of Posiedon, do they call it moring sickness when you throw up all around the clock.

Anyway, I had started showing a few days ago. My stomach, that had gone back to its original, healthy look, had grown a bit rounder and there was a slight bulge around where my uterus is located. I've also felt really strong emotions lately. The other day, I was watching this movie and the guy died and I could not stop crying. Even after the movie, I didn't even feel sad about the guy anymore. It was so weird.

I've been putting off telling Leo about the fetus that's growing inside of me. I know it's terrible, but I really don't feel like I can be a mother. I feel no connection to the embryo. My mother used to tell me that when I became a mother, I would do anything for my child and there is no connection like a mother to her baby, but I feel nothing for this... this thing. It's just another obstacle in my life that I can't get rid of. I've even thought of getting an abortion, but my mind always drifts back to Shireen. No one deserves to die before they've ever even gotten the chance to live.

I hate being pregnant. It's just a constant reminder that I was stupid and got knocked up before I was even 18. I don't regret doing the deed with Leo, but I do regret not using protection. It's the stupidest thing I've ever done and I've done plenty of stupid things.

Mrs. Grey-Joy wants me to go outside and get exercise today. I agree that I haven't been very active since I found out, but it's rather depressing that this is the end of life as I know it. From now until my last day, I will always have to care for and look after another person.

I go downstairs in a baggy hoodie and sweatpants. I pull my hair up sloppily and slide on my sneakers. 

I step outside and Theon's friend Robb nearly runs into me.

"Where you going?" I ask.

"Meeting this girl, Carrie, at the park. It's a date and I want to be there on time, so I gotta go." He takes off and I smirk at the boy who is running as fast as he can to meet a girl he likes.

I start jogging at a slow pace and eventually work it up to a slow run. Once I feel a burning sensation in my legs, I slow down a bit and come to a stop. Once I regain my breath, I run again and push myself a little further and a little faster. I do that repeatedly, until one time when I'm about to stop I hear an alarm and shouts and cries.

I run faster in that direction and see people standing outside of a house that had smoke billowing from the open door.

A small girl is screaming and struggling in a man's grasp. "My mother and brother are in there! We have to go get them! Let me go!"

"The fire department is coming. I cut let you go in there." He said. It was true, I could hear the sirens, but they were too far away. Something had to be done now.

This situation seems all too familiar. I push the thoughts of my mom out of my mind and quickly run to the open door. I go inside and cough. I feel the warmth of the flames licking my skin, but it doesn't burn.

"Hello!?" I call, between coughs. I pull the collar of my hoodie over my nose and mouth and try to breath like that, but it doesn't do much to help.

I quickly scan the bottom floor until I hear coughs and a call from upstairs. "Help! Please," more coughs "My son..." I stop hearing the voice and only coughs.

I run to where the voice came from. A woman is trapped beneath a fallen piece of the roof. It's on her leg. I quickly try to lift it off.

"My son, Kyle, he's in the nursery." She says.

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