chapter 17

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"So, time to get personal. Where have you to been." Zeus says looking at me and Percy...


Leo pov-

The gods look towards Percy expectantly and she looks ready to break down and sob so I jump in.

"Ooh I want to go first." I fake excitement "I can't wait to tell you guys where I've been!"

The gods shift their gazes to me and I get ready to start.

"I have a preposition" Dionysus said "I can play their memories like a movie. I will just project them onto that wall over there and it will be like movie. It will be more comfortable..."

Wait for it

"Because I really don't want to hear the annoying demogods' voices"

There it is

The gods all murmured in agreement and Dionysus walked over to me, putting his hand on my head.

Everything is purple

Hmmm, weird? Whenever I normally lose conciousness the world becomes black, not purple. This is weird.

Perce pov-

Leo's eyes flash purple and he slumps to the ground.

"What happened?!" I ask frantically "is he okay?!"

"He will be fine Pearl" Dionysus told me "He is just in a dreamlike state. He is experiencing all the events we are about to see in his head."

"Okay" I say unsurely

Everyone gets into comfortable positions.

Jason picks Leo up and begins to look around for somewhere comfortable to place him.

Hera conjures up a couch for us all to sit on. Leo sits between me and Jason.

"Wait." Hermes says as soon as we're all settled and ready to start. "Should we bring in the other demigods like Travis, Conner, Will Solace, Clarisse La Rue, and Frank Zhang?"

The parents of the mentioned demigods all agreed and Hermes flashed out to get them.

When they arrived they all came to sit on the couch and when there wasn't enough room the Stoll moved to the floor in front of us.

Will was next to me, frank sat next to Jason, and Clarisse sat on the arm of the couch next to frank.

The lights became dim and an image appeared on the wall in front of us

Leo walked down a dark street I recognized to be one near the Empire State Building. Leo looked at some graffiti and saw something that made him think.

He then ran down the street and bumped into a woman, effectively stealing her wallet.

He grabs a taxi and goes to the airport. He got a ticket to New Orleans.

the memory changes to Leo in an apartment

Leo stalks over to a drawer and removes his tool belt. He puts it in the drawer and we can see that there are blue prints and plans for demigodly things in there.

Taking the key he locks the drawer and grabs a pair of scissors off the dresser. He cuts slit in his mattress and shoves the key inside.

He quickly runs to the other room returning with a sewing needle and some floss. He strings the needle with the floss and sews up the hole in his matress.

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