Chapter 7

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A/n very sorry for the long wait. My grandma passed away last month and that was hard. After that I was put on advanced placement math for school so I have to go up to the high school for math really early every morning so I'm constantly tired and I will try to update more. They will be slow but I am definitely not abandoning this story though. I know I'm a horrible person for making you wait and I'm very sorry. I am trying my best.

We all go up to the upper deck and as we get closer to camp I start to worry. What if they hate me? What if I'm not good enough? What if....

" you okay?" Leo asked me

" yeah" I tried to sound confident but it came out really high pitched and they knew I was lying.

" it'll be fine perce" Jason said

" I'm just a bit nervous I guess" I said. " it's been awhile."

" there's nothing to be nervous about" Leo almost yells " everybody misses you"

" but hey might hate me for leaving" I barely whisper

" hey" he says softly and pulls me in for a hug " they don't hate you. They might be angry but they could never hate you"

I try to push the negative thoughts out of my mind as I see



I hadn't realized until this moment how changed Percy was. She used to be so confident and now she is scared that all of her friends hated her. Our Percy is still in there I know it and I'm going to help get her back.

As we land I can see the campers start running closer.

When we finally get to the ground I put my hand on Percy's back and lead her off the ship......

A/n sorry again I am not giving up on this story ever I am going to try and update as often as possible.i know this isn't very long but it's the best I can do as of right now.

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