chapter 20

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Percy pov-

After the meeting we head back to camp. By the time we get there it's dark

My father seemed angry and I think he kept glaring at leo. Leo's father, on the other hand, kept smiling at me and it was kind of creepy

Leo is going to sleep in my cabin again to 'keep an eye on me'. I know that he just wants an excuse to stay with me. I'm not complaining. If he didn't I would have to come up with my own reason for him to stay

We say goodbye to our friends and head off towards my cabin.

"Hey, Percy, if you want we can go to my cabin" He said "My bunk has a certain setting that it can move into a room below the cabin."

"Sure" I say and we walk to his cabin instead

As we walk I grab his hand and he seems surprised by the gesture so I pull away.

"Sorry" I tell him

"No. I was just surprised" He grabs my hand again

When we get there it is empty except one bed, which I assume is his.

"Everybody's beds can be moved into their own separate rooms. My room in the biggest though since I'm the cabin leader" He says proudly


We go to his bed and he hits a few buttons and flips a few switches on a remote then the sound of gears and electricity fill the room.

The floor opens up and the bed is lowered down a elevator shaft type thing.

At first I'm alarmed, until I look at Leo's and my hands still intertwined. I smile and glance at him.

He is looking at the remote and flipping random switches.

The bed lands in a huge room. It has everything that a room normally would have. It had a dresser, a closet, clothes littering the floor, a desk with blueprints and half finished projects, and even a bathroom.

"Sorry it's a mess, but I haven't been down since before the war" He explained "I've been kind of nervous about coming back down here"

"Okay well I don't have a change of clothes so can I borrow a shirt" I ask him

He pulls out one that is brown and has scorch marks along with grease stains on it.

I raise an eyebrow at him and he shrugs at me.

I go to the bathroom and change into his shirt. It comes down to about my midthigh so I decide to leave my jeans on. It is too soon to wear so little to sleep with him, even if I do have strong feelings for him.

I walk out and ask if he has a pair of sweatpants or something so I don't have to wear my jeans to bed

"No. Sorry perce."

"Fine." I say and slip out of my jeans. "They're too uncomfortable to wear to bed anyway"

I walk over to Leo's bed and lay down next to him.

"Why don't you have any sweatpants. Don't you ever get cold?" I ask

"No, actually, my body generates heat so I have never once been cold" He says

"Wow" I reply "I just thought you were an arsonist, Repair Boy" I tease

"Well that's part of it, I guess" He tells me and we laugh

He pulls me in closer and wraps his arms around me. At first I tense because it was unexpected bit soon melted into his warm embrace.

We spend the night cuddling until I fall asleep

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