chapter 21

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Jason pov-

"I am going to kill them" I tell Frank as we are sitting in Leo's cabin.

"Why" He asks me

"Because Percy is like my sister and we can't find them and if they-"

"Ewwww" frank says "don't put that thought in my head. It's gross to think about"

We have been looking for the two of them all day.

It's 2:00 pm.

We checked Percy's room and they weren't there, now we're in Leo's cabin and his bed is completely missing. We think that they are in Leo's 'secret' room, so we have Jake Mason trying to get us in there without the remote.

"Yes!" He suddenly shouts

"Can you get us in yet?" I ask I'm patiently

"No, but I figured out how to use his snowcone machine" He says excitedly

I facepalm and look at Frank who is smiling


Finally, Jake figured out how to get us down there.

"Okay, so Leo made a small elevator that should bring you into his room. He put this in, I'm guessing, just in case anyone ever left their remote in their room." He smiles at us and leads us to a part of the wall.

Hitting a few buttons on his remote , a wall opens up that concealed a small room.

He shoves us in and hands us each a snowcone

"Just hit the button labeled 'McShizzle'"

We do as we were told and the elevator starts to move.

In the corner was flavor sauces.

"Ooh" frank goes over to it and starts putting a bunch of flavors in his.

"Jason, you should really try some of this" He takes a bite between words "it's really good"

"I don't want any" I tell him

"Then I'll take that" He pulls the snowcone from my grasp and starts putting flavors in it.

When we stop moving, Frank is grinning like an idiot and I am getting ready to yell at Leo and Percy.

The doors open and we step into a messy room. It fits Leo's personality.

I look around the room until I see the bed

They are laying on it.

Percy is wearing Leo's shirt and is facing away from him, with her head on his arm lime it's a pillow.

Leo is laying on his side, one arm stretched out behind Percy's head and the other resting on her hip.

They are both dressed so I sigh in relief and take one of the snowcones from Frank, who frowns at me.

I start eating it. And wake up Leo by yelling I'm his ear.


"I'LL NEVER TELL YOU, JAKE" He sits up abruptly, effectively waking Percy up.

"What do you want Leonardo Dicaprio" she says groggily and sits up

Leo looks at her

"You were dreaming about a different Leo?" He complains

"Actually u was dreaming of about 5 different Leos" she says "it was a really weird dream"

"Oh well, should I feel threatened by any of those Leos?"

"Nah, you were there too"

"Oh okay. Why did you wake me up jason?" Leo asks me

"It's like 3:00" I say

"Wait are those snowcones?" He says suspiciously "Schist! Jake figured it out"

"I want a snowcone" Percy says and gets out of the bed. She takes Frank's other snowcone and starts eating it.

"Why?" He asks "Why does everyone take my snowcones"

"Because you're an easy target, Frankie" Leo says and gets out of the bed as well.

"I need to get dressed" Leo says and Percy nods going into his bathroom.

"IM KEEPING THE SHIRT, LEO" she yells from the bathroom

"Okay" He yells while slipping on a shirt.

Percy comes out still wearing his shirt, but now she's wearing her jeans underneath. A small part of the shirt is tucked in to make it look more like her shirt.

We all get on the elevator and Leo hits a few buttons on his remote. A picture that nobody noticed swings open revealing the snowcone machine.

Leo makes 4 snowcones and hands everyone one. He then goes to the flavors and puts a ton of cherry flavoring in his.

Percy does the same with blue raspberry, while I go light on the lemon and Frank puts every flavor in his, once again.

When we get to the top Leo covers up the snowcone machine and we all get out

"I wish I lived in this cabin" frank said

"It is really cool, but I need to go shower and get ready for the day" Percy says.

She pecks Leo on the lips and walks out.

"It hungry, let's go eat" frank says

"Hi Hungry, I'm Leo" Leo says and we all crack up

We all walk to the dining Pavillion and get ready to eat.

Percy pov-

I finish my shower and get dressed in a My Chemical Romance top and red skinny jeans.

I put on my makeup and walk over to my jewelry box and put on my TøP and All Time Low bracelets along with my MCR necklace.

After willing my hair dry I brush it and put it up in a high ponytail.

It's getting really long, I should probably cut it soon.

I slip on my combat boots and go outside.

I slowly walk to the dining Pavillion to meet Leo and the boys.

When I get there surprised at what I see.

Drew Tanka is trying to talk to Leo, who keeps blowing her off.

"Drew, seriously, Jason dared me to eat 12 ice cream cones in 4 minutes. Leave. Me. Be." He says

I run over to them and sit next to Leo


"Percy" He turns to me, completely forgetting about his dare. He is grinning like the cat from Alice In Wonderland.

"Jason, you win" He says and hands Jason 7 drachmas

"You still have 45 seconds" Jason says

"I don't care"

Leo and I get up and start tp walk over to the training arena

"Race you-" He starts

"-way ahead of you" I say and race forward

I look behind me and he is about two feet behind me. I try to run faster.

I get there first

"I win- ahh" He wraps me up in his arms and spins me around

I giggle and he laughs

"Okay, let's spar, Princess"

"You're on, Repair Boy"

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