chapter 30

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Percy pov-

Staying with the Grey-Joys for a few days turned into a few weeks. I was surprised at how fast they accepted me into their family and it felt great. They even let me wear anything that Yara left when she went to college.

I had forgotten what it felt like to have my mother there to support me through everything. Mrs. Grey-Joy was just like my mom and even though she wasn't my mom, she was close enough.

"Hey, Holly, Tom and I are both working tonight, but Theon wants to have a few friends stay the night. Can you keep an eye on them?" Mrs. Grey-Joy rarely worked nights, but when she did, she worked from 7pm to 7am. She was a nurse and she took her job very seriously. Tom also wouldn't be back til around 3 am.

"Of course, Mrs. Grey-Joy." I smile.

"Oh thank you, Holly." She paused. "Call me Katherine. I tell you this every day. They'll be here in an hour and I'll be leaving in three. I can make dinner before I go."

"Just let me know when you're leaving and I'll make sure to start looking after the boys. How many are coming over?"

"Only four. There's Robb, Tyler, Noah, and of course Charlie. Tyler has a peanut allergy. I'll leave a note with everything you'll need to know." She starts rambling.

"I'm going to go get in the shower. I'll be in my room, if I'm not down here when you leave." I tell her.

"Okay." She walks off into the kitchen and I go upstairs. Once I have my change of clothes and a towel, I go to their bathroom and lock the door (I learned to lock it after Theon walked in on me once). I turned the water on hot and climbed in, letting myself get wet.

I quickly washed my body and shaved. Then, I moved to my hair. I poured the shampoo into my hands and lathered it through my hair. Suddenly, I felt dizzy and black spots appeared in my eyes. I put my weight against the wall, so I didn't fall over. After the world stopped spinning, I rinsed the shampoo our of my hair and quickly conditioned it.

I get out and wrap my towel around me. I sit on the edge of the tub and breathe for a second, but my stomach flips and I can't keep my lunch down. As i hold my hair back, I lift the toilet seat and throw up. Once I finish, I cup my hands at the sink and rinse my mouth from the vile taste in my mouth. I spit out the water in the toilet and flush.

After drying off and getting dressed, I leave the bathroom and go back to my room. I lay on my bed (it's really Yara's bed) and nearly fall asleep when I hear a knock on my door. "Holly, it's Theon. Mom wanted me to let you know that dinner is pizza and she's leaving for work."

"I'll be down in a minute." I say.

I get up and ignore the protest in my stomach at the thought of eating.

Once I'm downstairs, I see the kids I'll be babysitting. The only two I know are Charlie and Theon, so I don't know who the others are.

"Okay. So, who is Noah, who is Tyler, and who is Robb?" I ask

"I'm Robb." A red haired boy with pale skin said.

"I'm Noah." A boy with tan skin and brown hair said.

The last boy, Tyler, had hair that was between black and dark brown. "I'm Holly."

"We know. Theon is always talking about how hot you are." Robb said. Theon blushed and I chuckled.

"Pizza will be here soon. Until then, what do you want to do?" I ask

"Video games." Robb said at the same time as Charlie and Theon.

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