chapter 22

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Percy pov-

After we finish sparring Leo and I go to the beach.

"Are you worried?" I ask

"About what?" He asks

"The upcoming war" I say "Are you worried that you might not make it?"

"No. Are you?" He asks me

"Yes. I'm worried that one of us might not make it. I'm worried that we might lose and it will be all my fault" I confess

"Don't be."


"No one will kill either of us and we always pull through" He says "We'll be okay"

"But what if we arent?" I says "What if we lose and people get hurt."

"We won't lose if we stick together and stop doubting ourselves"


"Stop it percy. I'm not having this conversation with you"

"Don't you see that I'm scared" I say "I'm scared because I don't want anyone else to die and I don't want to fight again. I don't want to have to watch my friends to walk out to their deaths again. Every time we have gone to war we haven't had a good chance to survive. I have led them into war and I knew that not all of them would be going home, if any"

"I'm sorry but I don't want t have this conversation right now" He says

"Well, we're gonna have it at some point and I'm fine with right now" I say angrily

"I'm not ready to have this conversation, percy. Please stop talking"

"No. I'm not done" I push

"I dont want to think about how some of my siblings might die. I said that I didn't want to talk about it. I. Am. Not. Talking. About. It" He rants angrily. "You wouldn't even understand it. You don't have any siblings here, so you should stop talking"


I can't believe he thinks that I dont understand what it's like to lose someone.

I guess that it was partly my fault. I wouldn't stop talking when he asked me to.

I just wish that we didn't fight. I'm just gonna take a shower. That usually helps me clear my head. I go to the bathroom and undress. I turn on the shower and let the cool water run over my skin.

I decide that I'm going to apologize to leo.

Once I finish I get out and grab my towel.

I wrap it around me and walk out and bump into someone.

Leo pov

I feel terrible about fighting with percy.

I stand there for a minute, before heading back to the training arena to take out my anger on a few training dummies.

When I'm done I decide that I should go apologize to percy. I walk to her cabin to explain how sorry I am.

When I go in I forget to knock and I am met with a surprising sight.

Percy pov-

It's Andrew.

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry and I still have feelings for you" He says

"Can you leave, so I can get dressed" I ask

"Please forgive me percy" He says

"Leave" I say "I really need to get dressed. We can talk later."


"What?" I ask surprised

"I need you percy" He grabs my wrist and pulls me toward him. His hands are rough and his grip is tight.

"Stop" I say "You're hurting me"

He doesn't stop and he pins me against the wall. I try to push him away, but he is stronger.

"Please stop" I tell him, crying as he tries to get the towel off of me.

At that moment Leo walks in and sees what's happening.

He pulls a hammer from his tool belt and hits Andrew in the head with it. Andrew doesn't pass out because he is a god, but he flashes out.

Leo says nothing as he drops the hammer and pulls me in for a hug. I cry on his shoulder and bury my head in the crook of his neck as he whispers soothing words in my ear.

"Im sorry" He whispers

"Me too" I say

"Do you want me to leave so you can get dressed?"

"I don't want to be alone, so can you just turn around or something?"

"Yeah" He turns around and I quickly put on a t shirt and shorts

"I'm done" I say

"Okay" He turns back around.

"Thank you" I say, blushing

"Any time" He replies

"I'm know that it's the middle of the afternoon but can we cuddle, or something?" I ask

"As you wish" He says causing me to laugh

"What is this, the Princess Bride?" I ask and he laughs too.

We lay down and I put my head on his chest, while he plays with my hair.

After a few minutes O realize how boring this is.

"This is so boring" I say

"I agree" Leo says "Let's go do something else"

"I have an idea" I say

I walk over to my dresser and plug my phone into my speakers and hit play on my playlist.

"What song is this?" He asks

"Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine by The Killers" I say

"I have a better song" He goes to my phone and hits the YouTube app. He types something and hits play.

It's Light 'Em Up by Fall Out Boy

"You just had to pick a song about fire"

"You should have expected it, baby. The Super Hot McShizzle couldn't resist." I laugh and he grabs my hands.

His hands are rough but, unlike Andrew, his grip is soft and light.

We spend a while just dancing terribly to various songs that are about fire, Leo's picks.

Eventually we hear the horn that sounds dinner and we walk to the dining Pavillion, hand in hand.

Being with Leo is different than anything I have ever felt. Leo means so much to me. A part of me wishes that I had been with him before I was with Andrew, but the other parts of me know that if Andrew hadn't broken my heart, I never would have been with Leo. I wouldn't change this for anything. This moment, right now, is perfect. I don't care about what happened earlier today, because being here with Leo and holding his hand feels better than I ever felt with Andrew.

I've never felt anything this right. Every second I spend with Leo feels more real than anything else in my life. It feels better than when I was with Johnny, Lexan, and even Andrew.

I think I'm in love with him

Water In My Eyes, Fire In My Heart (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now