chapter 19

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Percy pov-

I open my eyes after the spell wore off and see everybody looking at me.

"I guess you have some questions"

"I need to talk to you persephone" My dad stand up and walks towards me

Uh oh

Posiedon pov-

"I need to talk to you Persephone"

"Uh oh" she says and earns a few chuckles from her fellow demigods

Everybody looks at us expectantly

"Alone" I say and flash us to my palace

"Why didn't you tell me" I ask

"About which part" she asks me "The abuse, the drinking, or the irrisponsible behavior?"

"All of it" I tell my daughter "I am your dad and I don't want you to get hurt. If you had told me I could have gotten you out of that situation"

"I don't know. I wasn't thinking straight. I had the idea in my head that nobody liked me or wanted me so I surrounded myself with people who had problems too."

She starts crying

"Hey its okay" I tell her and she looks away

"Hey look at me" she does as I said and looks me dead in the eye

"How can it be okay if I'm falling apart" she asks me

It breaks my heart to see my daughter like this

"It might not be okay now but it will be. I Promise."


"So as a parent I now have to scold you for being irrisponsible or something" I tell her "right?"

"Firstly, you were skipping school to go drinking with your friends"

"I'm sorry" she tells me "it was a dark time for me. I'm better now"

"I'm know but our next subject is that night when you were drunk and you stripped down to barely anything, then dived into a freezing lake."

"I forgot About that" she says

"Yeah well I didn't and now I am asking you why you did it"

"Well, I was drunk and water is great so I thought why not?" She says and shrugs

"Then you risked your life by not using your powers to dry yourself"

"Well I couldn't expose myself as a daughter of Posiedon to my friends"

"Well I would prefer that to you dying"

"Well I didn't die" she said "I'm fine"

"The day you met that Johnny kid you almost slept with him"

"Yeah, I don't have and explanation for that" she said "I just got caught up in the moment"

"Yes well you better hope I don't catch you 'getting caught up in the moment' with someone you don't know"

"Okay" she said

"How violent was Gabe?"

"Very violent"

"Was it just physical and mental abuse or did he..." I trail off not wanting to say it

"No he didn't" she said "one of his friends wanted to though, I think you saw him in the memories"

"But he didnt. Right?" I ask worriedly

"No he never got to"

I sigh in relief

"Did you and that Johnny character ever... you know?"

"No" she says then adds "I don't see why it would matter anyway"

"Hey I'm just trying to be an overprotective father" I defend myself

She just rolls her eyes at me

"Are you still self harming" I ask

She hold up her wrist and I see a white bandage "I am but I'm trying to stop"

"Okay" I say "if you need any help am here for you"

"Okay dad" she says

"Um where can I find Johnny to kick his ass for what he might have done that night?"

She laughs causing me to smile

"He's probably at his apartment"

"Okay, why did you only hug Jason when you woke up on the Argo II?" I ask seriously "Are you in a relationship with him"

"No I'm in a relationship with Leo"

"The son of Hephaestus?" I ask surprised "i did not see that coming but whatever I still have to threaten him"

"Oh gods"

"One more thing before I go and get Leo" I say "Are you okay? I mean that was a really messed up year and most people wouldn't-"

she hugs me and says "I'm okay now dad. I'm home now so everything will be okay"

We flash back to the throne room ND see everyone there having casual conversations except Leo who is nervously sitting on the couch tapping his foot

He notices us and rushes to percy

"Excuse me sir but can I talk to her now since you are probably done talking" He asks me while not removing his eyes from my daughter

The rest of the demigods and gods have quieted down

I look at the boy and say

"Yes but I must talk to you first Mr. Valdez"

"Okay sir" He says and the three of us walk through the doors of the throne room.

Once we are outside I start the over protective father speech

"If you hurt my daughter or make her do anything she doesn't want to I will call in a favor with my niece. I do believe you have met Artemis. She has a strong dislike for boys and a stronger dislike for boys who mistreat girls. Well you are a boy and if you mistreat my daughter you will feel the wrath of Artemis...then you will feel the wrath of Posiedon"

"Okay sir" He said calmly "I wouldn't dare hurt your daughter"

"Good" I say and flash into the throne room to see all of the demigods and a few gods at the door listening in on their conversation.

I join them

He asks her most of the same questions I do including the one about where to find Johnny

Maybe this kid isn't too bad

I still don't like the idea of my only daughter dating but I will deal with it for her sake

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