Ch2 lost to not be found

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The moment I heard my father say that calypso didn't want to be freed I decided it was time to leave. To go where? Anywhere but here. I can go back to my life before being sent to the wilderness school. I'll run.

I walkedd out of the throne room and to the elevator. When I reached the bottom I thought ' where does a nobody go to not be found?'. I found the answer in a mural on the side of a showed a man and a woman together in a perfect backyard. The man was barbecuing and the woman was looking off into the distance.

That wasn't the point though. The picture also had graffiti on it that said "New Orleans is fabulous". I decided "who would look for me there?"

So I set off. I pick pocketed a lady on the street and got fifty dollars. With that I paid for a plane ticket to New Orleans.


When i arrived In New Orleans I walked around a bit. I got a few strange looks from civilians. I guess it did look a bit weird. A 18 year old boy walking down the street in slightly singed clothing. Well whatever I'm here for one reason and only one. To move on.

I saw a building up for sale. It was two stories high. It was one of those buildings that have a store on the first floor and an apartment on the second floor.

There was a sign that had a phone number on it. I pulled out my demigod phone that has special features that keeps it from attracting monsters. I dialed the number and the voice of a female answered

"Hello. Lincoln real estate how may I help you."

"Hi I saw your sign in front of a building on Addry street. And I wanted to buy the property." I told the lady

"Okay, I'll send a real estate agent right away"

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An hour later a shiny black car pulled up and a lady in a fancy suit stepped out.

"Are you mister..... Valdez?" She said reading the name off of a notepad.

"Yeah. Are you the agent that is going to sell me this place?"

"Possibly. If you fit the requirements" she said

This is going to take forever I thought. But went on with it and two hours later I was given a set of keys to my new home and workshop.

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After I cleaned it up a and dusted it i got to work on my apartment. It was small and it only had 1 bedroom. But I'm only one guy so that works out fine. There was furniture already inside so I didn't have to buy any. I went for the room that would be my bedroom and moved the bed to the corner.

I opened my backpack filled with essentials and started unpacking it. I pulled out some clothes, my toolbelt, nectar, ambrosia, and some blueprints. I put my blueprints in a droor to my dresser. It was an old dresser with key holes and luckily I found a ring of keys under the couch in my living room. I then locked the droor and hid the key where it wouldn't be found. I ripped open the mattress and put the key inside.i stitched it back up using dental floss and a sewing needle.

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Finally. I had just finished creating my workshop. It has everything bunker 9 had and more. I set to make Esperanza's Repair Shop popular. I named it after my mom because I missed her.

I went out and started stapling fliers to telephone poles and handing them to people on the street. It instantly became a hit.

Water In My Eyes, Fire In My Heart (Percy Jackson Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now