chapter 28

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Leo couldn't believe how much happened in three weeks. The thing he found most unbelievable was that he lost her. He lost her three weeks ago and he knew it, but he still couldn't process it. Everyone knew it was Leo's fault, especially him.

Two days ago

Leo saw her earlier in the day. She didn't spare a glance at him. That was, until she made her way past the border of camp. She carried her backpack and that was all.

Yes, Percy was leaving again. This time it was only Leo's fault. He could blame whoever he wanted, the Romans, the child, the war, or even the gods. But, it was his wrong doing that brought this.

They all knew that this was the only way things would end. She had told them three weeks ago of her plans. Sure enough, when the time came, she left camp.

She hadn't said anything to Leo since she revealed that she couldn't stay, aside from, screaming and curses. He would never forget the pure anger and hatred in her voice when she spoke her last real words to him to him. "You will never forget what you did and no one else will either. No matter where you go, you will never leave behind the guilt for what you've done."

He knew she spoke true. He couldn't forget what he had done. Even if it was for everyone, he couldn't stop thinking about what he had done. His actions a few weeks ago were terrible.

Three days ago

Each demigod was granted one wish. Leo only payed attentions to a few of them.

Frank asked "Can you get Hazel back?"

"Pick a new wish." Hades said "Hazel was brought back by Nico. That's why he wasn't helping you guys. He was searching different time lines for her. She will return to New Rome in a few weeks and Nico will return to Camp Half-Blood."

"Oh, well can I go to the underworld and see her?" Hades nodded and put a hand on Frank's shoulder, before shadow travelling away.

Jason asked for a peaceful life in New Rome with Piper. Piper wanted Morpheus to be punished for putting her to sleep. Both wishes were granted. Will wanted Nico's powers to be fixed, so that he didn't have a chance of becoming a shadow whenever he used his powers. He also got what he wanted. Percy wanted Hades and Hestia to have thrones on Olympus.

Leo didn't pay attention to the rest. He postponed his gift, saying that he didn't need anything right then.

Four days ago

The final battle took place on this day. Everyone faught amazingly. The weapons that the Hephaestus cabin made were holding up well. Steel, gold, and bronze molded together into beautiful swirling weapons of destruction. Though they proved extremely fatal to demigods, they were wonderful and perfect. The warhammer in Leo's hands cut through the battle as easily as a hot knife through butter. The enemies were dissolving easily and Leo knew that the weapons would bring them victory.

He wished that he could say that he could only think about his girlfriend and how she would be abandoning them soon, but it was the furthest thing from his mind. He didn't think of her once during the battle.

He hacked his way through the monsters until he reached the center of the battle. Nyx was directly above him, sending shadows to blind demigods who got close to her. She didn't send one at Leo because he was on fire. She couldn't put shadows on fire and Leo was on fire, both literally and metephorically.

Nyx nearly sent shadows after Jason, when Leo realized that he had to do something. He set his hammer aflame and threw it up on the air at Nyx. Her dress caught fire and she dropped to the ground. Leo grabbed his hammer from the ground where it landed and got ready to strike Nyx.

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