chapter 13

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Jason pov:

Frank walked over to Will and I and whispered "Guys let's let them talk."

We all walk out and will speaks first

"Do you guys know about Percy's stepfather and all."

"Yeah, I'm guessing she told you then" I say

"Yeah" Will replys "I asked her why she was cutting and she explained everything. It also explained the bruises and injuries from when she came here. I gave her a check up as well and she is severely underweight and lacks vitamin D. As her friend I suggest you get her outside more and make sure she is eating. As a doctor I can prescribe some vitamins and some weight gain pills."

"What injuries did you notice when giving her the check up?"

"Well I saw alot of bruising covering almost all of her body, quite a few deep cuts and scratches, self harm injuries, a few burns here and there, and on her back I saw what looked like whipping marks." He pauses and then explains everything "the bruising mostly looked like it was from hits and kicks. The cuts and scratches were from various sharp objects ranging from knives to glass shards. Burns were in circular shapes so they were probably from cigarettes and cigars. The whipping marks could be from a lot of things. Maybe a leather belt or an actual whip."

I turn to Frank "Do you think they have had enough time? I want to talk to her about...him." I spat the last word. I refuse to even say his name.

"Yeah. I think we should be good."

We walk in and see them laying on the bed together gripping each other for dear life.

I would find it kind of cute if I weren't pissed about what Gabe did to percy.

I walk over to the bed and gently shake her awake.

She has her head on Leo's arm and her arms pressed between their chests. His other arm is around her waist.

She opens her eyes slightly and looks over at me.

"Hi" she whispers, careful not to wake the sleeping boy next to her.

"Hey Percy if we can get you untangled from Leo can we talk to you."

"Yeah, one second." She says and pushes him off the edge of the bed

"Well, that works too" I sat

Leo stands up and glares playfully at Percy, who looks back at him innocently

"So what do you guys need Jase"

"Um... well will told us that he saw some of your injuries when he was giving you a check up and me and Frank...well...we-"

"You wanted to see them and you wanted me to tell you how I got them"

"Yeah" I say slowly

"Sure I will show you guys and I will try to remember how I got them"

Frank and I both mumble thanks, will leaves the room, and leo sits on the bed

"Let's start then" she says worriedly

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