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After the restaurant closed I sat in my fathers car as he drove us home. My left eye hurt from him hitting me because I spilt that drink on that man. There was going to be a bruise tomorrow I just know. I deserved it.

"Since it's your dumb birthday tomorrow you can go to bed early" Father grumbled parking the car. A small smile bloomed on my face, I never get to go to bed early. I normally have to clean and cook dinner before I can go to bed. Which is a lot because father owns a big three story house. I don't know why because we are the only ones who live there, it gets quiet but I like the quiet.

I get out of the car after father and we stop at the front door. "But you are working tomorrow birthday or not" He sneers unlocking the door. My smile leaves my face, why would I even think he would let me stay home. I always have to work. If I'm sick he just makes me take medicine and wear a mask. But I can't complain because he's letting me go to bed early!

Once we get inside father goes to his study and I go to my room. I take a long shower before putting on some night pants then laying in my bed. I turn the lamps off then close my eyes sighing. I fall asleep quickly.

The creaking of my door wakes me up, the hallway light was on lighting my room only a little. A figure falls over my bed and I sit up looking up at it. My father stands there looking at me. My heart drops, I know why he's in here. I lay back down on my stomach and place one of my hands over my mouth. If he hears me cry it'll only make it worse, that's what I've learned. I hear clothes being taken off and feel him climb onto my bed hovering over me. I squeeze my eyes shut. Why does he do this? I haven't done anything.

He mean hands start pulling my pajama pants down and I start breathing faster. Don't scream Declan, don't scream, it makes it worse. Think of something else, think of painting! Yeah painting the ocean, with dolphins, sea turtles and baby wales.

I feel him enter me and I bite my hand as my eyes water.

The sun shining on the water. A girl swimming with the dolphins and the baby wales swimming happily.

His rough hands grip my hips and I can feel the tears running down my face. The ocean Declan. Baby wales. He goes harder and I sob but dig my face in my pillow. Dolphins swimming with a girl. The pain is so much worse this time. No, Declan sea turtles!

I jolt awake breathing hard. I turn on one of my lamps and bring my knees up to my chest. Tears were falling and I squeeze my eyes shut. I feel so gross. I get out of my bed and walk into the bathroom to take a shower. Maybe I won't feel gross if I take a shower. I turn the water on get undressed then get in. Letting the water spray on me I sigh at the feeling. Then I stop when I realize it's the next day...todays my birthday. I'm 18 years old today. I shake my head and start cleaning myself, I also make sure to shave or else father would not be happy.

Once I'm dressed I walk out of my room bumping into my father. "Todays a big day Declan. Ready to go to the restaurant?" He asked. I nod my head and then we head out but what he said stuck in my head. Today is a big day? What does he mean by that?
{Anthony} POV
I step out of my car into the bright sunlight, I slam my car door shut in pure anger. This restaurant I parked in front of is so fucked up its pissing me off. I hand Brian my car keys then make my way inside. I heard people talking about this place in my business building again today and what they were talking about made me this pissed.

I walk into this restaurant only to be greeted with the waiter I had yesterday be yanked down by another man by his tongue. Like what the fuck is wrong with this place. "Fucking slut! Do you have any idea how much these shoes were!?" The man yelled at him. I watch as his eyes water until this man finally lets his tongue go. "I'm s-sorry s-sir" I almost didn't catch what he said because he said it so quietly.

A young women walks up to me and gives me a small sad smile. "Do you want a certain waiter?" She asked picking up a menu. "Declan" I look at her with no emotion. I am so angry that I can't be nice right now. She nods her head, then walks me over to an open table. I look at her, "I would like to speak with the owner and I won't take no for an answer so please go get him now" I say calmly. She nods her head then walks back right as Declan walks up to the table. "What can I get you t-t-to d-drink" His stutter makes my ball my fists.

"Declan tend to your other tables" Someone says. I look up and see Declan nod his head then walk away. Who I assume must be the owner sits down across from me. This is Declan's father. "Is something wrong Mr.Black?" He asked. I take a breath then say what I want to say. "I've heard from the people at my business taking about you selling Declan's virginity for a very high price. May I ask how much the top buyer is offering?" I ask raising an eyebrow. He chuckles looking behind me then back at me. "Are you interested in the slut Mr.Black?" He answered me with a question. He called his own son a slut.

"How much is the top buyer offering?" I ask again. "He's offering me ten thousand" He finally answered. I am going to save this boy, he doesn't deserve to be treated this way. He deserves a life and a good one at that. I motion for Brian to come inside holding two briefcases in his hands. "I want to offer more, but I don't just want his virginity, I want him to live with me. I want him to be mine" His father glares at me and starts getting up. "Declan makes me money here and here is where he will stay" He grumbles. Brian sets the brief cases down and I look up at the man. "My offer is ten million" I state.

I watch as this man stops and slowly looks at me with wide eyes. I pull out a contract saying that Declan will belong to me and if this man signs it he can't get Declan back. "All that has to be done is you have to sign, I have to sign and Declan has to sign. Then you will get your money which I have with me" I explain. He takes the contract reading over it then sighs pulling out a pen. "Declan!" He yells.

The boy walks up to us his bottom lip trembling. His left eye was bruised and his cheek was red. His father hands him the contract and the pen. Declan's eyes scan the paper but he just stares at it like he doesn't understand any of the words. "Father" He mumbles looking up at his father. "It's my b-birthday" He whimpers and my eyes widen. Today is his birthday? I quickly take out my phone and send a quick text to a close friend of mine. Then I put my phone away looking back up at Declan. "I don't fucking care! If you want to sign the damn papers then sign them!" His father yells at him.

I watch as Declan's eyes water and his whole body trembles, he sets the contract on the table quickly signing them then he drops the pen. I stand up and motion at the brief cases. "It's all there, now if I can just have your address so Declan can get some of his things" I says unbuttoning my suit jacket and taking it off. Declan stares up at me with wide eyes and I look back at him offering my jacket. He takes it slipping it over his shoulder and it drowns him making me chuckle to myself. "I don't have m-much" He whispers looking down. "Do you need any thing from your home?" I ask glancing over at his father.

"N-no sir" I hear him mumble. I nod my head then motion for Brian to go get in the car and start it. "Then let us go" I murmur placing my hand at the small of his back. He stiffens and I immediately pull away. I hope I can help this boy. I don't even know if he's been shown love or kindness before. I plan on showing him both.

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