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After Brain picks me up and we make it to the house I wait for Anthony in the living room near the front door so we can talk. It takes almost an hour before he walks through the door and sees me. He raises an eyebrow and walks over to me. "Everything okay baby?" He asked sitting down next to me. Our knees brush against each other and I look at him with a frown. "You haven't talked to me since yesterday at the therapist. I don't even know when you went to bed and you were gone when I woke up" I vent to him. I watch as his face falls. He grabs my waist pulling me onto his lap. So I'm now straddling his lap.

"I'm sorry, Love. I was really upset that your father did that to you and I needed awhile to calm down" Anthony admits pulling me close. His digs his face into my neck sighing. I chew on my bottom lip and move so he lifts his he up to look at me. "I forgive you" I say leaning down to his face. I press our lips together kissing him softly. He kisses back but pulls away shortly after making me frown. Anthony chuckles kissing my nose making me blush.

"I was thinking...how about we take a vacation" He said rubbing my hips. I look at him for a minute trying to understand what he just said. "What is a vacation?" I ask honestly. Anthony stares at me saying nothing. "It is where we take time off work and relax or have fun" He explains. I perk up. "Well what we be doing?" I asked. "I was thinking of going to my beach house and we can just relax and have fun" He said with a small smile. My jaw drops, "You have a beach house!?" I ask. I've always wanted to go to the beach! I heard they are super pretty and romantic. I could paint it. "Excited?" Anthony asked with a chuckle. I nod my head feeling giddy.

"When are we going!?" I ask wrapping my arms around his neck. "Next week. I'm sure Harper will give you a week off" He murmurs leaning up to me. Our lips meet again in a slow loving kiss. His hands don't move from my hips but my hands run down his chest gripping his shirt. My eyes flutter shut as Anthony slips his tongue in my mouth. "Sir- Oh, sorry" I pull away when I here Brian's voice from behind us. I slide off Anthony's lap to sit next to him my face on fire.

"Yes, Brian, what is it" Anthony asked. "It's nothing serious sir but I got your text. You want me to come on vacation with you guys..." Brian asked confused. I giggle covering my mouth with my hand. Brian looks at me rolling his eyes but I see his lips twitch upwards. "Yes I do Brian. You deserve a vacation" Anthony said. Brian stood there staring at us before nodding his head and walks off. I curl up snuggling into Anthony's side. "Can we eat now?" I ask glancing up at him. Anthony nods standing up but then he picks me up making me yelp.

"Anthony!" I giggle wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. "What do you want for dinner my Love" He said walking towards the kitchen. "Spaghetti" I said resting my head on his shoulder. "Alright Spaghetti it is" Anthony sets me down on one of the bar stools so we can watch Jim cook our dinner. Jim started whistling while cooking and I nodding along to the beat. It only takes a few more minutes then a plate of spaghetti gets placed in front of me. I look up at Jim who is smiling, "Thank you" I say then start eating.
After dinner me and Anthony stay in his room cuddled up while the TV plays a movie. But I forgot what movie because Anthony started kissing me and who was I not to kiss back? It was getting heated, one of Anthony's hands slid up my shirt while his tongue slipped into my mouth. Normally I don't like sexual stuff because of what happened and I would normally pull away right about now but I'm not pulling away. Anthony crawls between my legs and a moan slips past my lips. His crotch is pressed against mine both of our hard ons rubbing against each other.

Anthony's mouth leaves mine moving down to my neck sucking lightly. "Anthony" I say breathless. He pulls away a worried look crossing his face. "Do you want me to stop? I'm sorry I should've asked-" I cut him off with a kiss which he returns. I pull away my face on fire. "I don't want you to stop, just...don't..." He gives me a sweet kiss then pulls away. "I understand love" He murmurs trailing kisses down my neck to my collarbone. I feel his hand that was up my shirt move down brushing my crotch area making me whimper. "So hard for me baby" Anthony murmurs. I squirm under him wanting him to do something, anything. Anthony sits on his knees so he can tug off my pants. I help him by lifting my hips. Once Anthony gets them off he throws them to the floor.

I cover my face with my hands trying to cover up how red my face probably is. My hands get tugged away from my face to be met with Anthony's handsome face. "Don't hide your beautiful face from me" He growls lightly. He goes back down and I didn't even notice my briefs were gone leaving my dick standing proud before Anthony. He looks me directly in the eyes as he takes my cock into his mouth. My head falls back as I let out a moan. My hands find his hair tugging lightly. This is a new feeling, I've never felt this way before. I never got pleasure from those disgusting men. Anthony is doing things to me that I've never felt before.

My legs tremble, my eyes are lidded and pleasure courses through me. "A-Anthony I-" I feel a tingle in my abdomen and I cry out as I come in Anthony's mouth. He swallows then comes up to my face kissing me softly. I pull away to look down at Anthony and see he is still hard. "What about you?" I ask blushing. I realize my hand is moving until it firmly presses against Anthony's crotch. I undo his pants and slide my hand inside wrapping it around his shaft making him groan. I slowly start moving my hand up and down making him shudder and a few moans fall from his mouth. "Tease" He groans grabbing the back of my neck and slamming our lips together.

I keep a steady pace as Anthony moves his mouth from my lips to my neck. "Almost there baby" He murmurs placing soft kisses along my collarbone. I squeeze light and that's what makes him come. I pull my hand out of his pants looking down at the liquid on my hands then back up at Anthony. He smiles pecking my cheek before reach over me to get a few tissues to clean up my hand. "That felt really good" I say meekly blushing like crazy. Anthony smirks at me throwing the tissues away. "Yes it did" He said getting off the bed. He picks me up and I immediately wrap my arms and legs around him. "Let's shower then go to bed" He says walking towards the bathroom.

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