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I spent hours painting for three days straight. Anthony came in a few times only to bring me food. I always hid my paintings when he came in because I didn't want him to see them. I was in the painting room again working on another painting. A knock on the door startles me and I'm glad the brush I had wasn't close to the canvas or else a long paint line would be across the whole painting. I set my pallet down along with my paint brush. I get up and walk to the door opening it to see Anthony.

"Want to go to lunch with me?" He asked. His eyes flicker to inside the room then back to me. I step out into the hallway so I can close the door behind me, I don't want him to see what I'm painting. "You want to go to lunch...with me?" I asked confused. He nods his head with a chuckle. Just then my stomach rumbles and I blush in embarrassment. "Go clean up and change then meet me at the front door" Anthony said then walked away.

I grab the key to the door from out of my back pocket and lock the door. I then walk to my room take a quick shower, change into a pair of black ripped jeans and a white T-shirt. I pull on shocks and shoes then walk down stairs. Anthony stands there hands in his pockets waiting for me. "Ready?" He asked. I nod my head and Anthony opens the door. We walk out and into a waiting car. "Sushi okay?" Anthony asked buckling his seatbelt then looks at me. I stare at him blankly. "Have you ever tried sushi?" He asked me. I shake my head no. "I think you will like it"

Once in the restaurant a lady takes us the a booth then leaves. Anthony sits on one side and I take the other side looking around the place. It was dim but you can still see mostly. I look down at my outfit feeling like I'm not dressed right, everyone else is wearing nicer clothing. "Is it okay if I order for you?" Anthony pulls me back to our table. I look at him then nod my head. Just then a man walks up to our table wearing a smile and holding a small notebook. "Good afternoon, what can I get you to drink?" He asked looking over at me. I shift in my seat under his gaze. "A whiskey for me and a water for Declan" Anthony said. The guy nods then walks away.

Anthony sets down the menu he was holding and looks at me. "You enjoy painting" He said. Was that a question or what? "Uhm, yes?" I answer feeling embarrassed. He smiles at me and I look away. My stomach flips and my heart flutters. Why does this happen when he smiles at me?

"So why can't I see your paintings?" He asked pulling me out of my thoughts. The waiter comes back setting down our drinks then takes out his notebook again. "Are you ready to order?" He asked looking at me again. "Yes, I would like one plate of the spicy tuna rolls and some Makizushi" Anthony says. I look at the waiter who is still staring at me then back at Anthony. I grab my water taking a small sip. He is making me uncomfortable. Anthony's smile drops and his face looks angry. "Stop staring at him" He practically growls. The waiter looks away from me to Anthony. "Sorry sir um your food will be out soon" He said then quickly walked away.

We sit in silence after the waiter walked away. I grab my glass of water taking a small sip then put it down. I am glad that Anthony said something to that waiter. He made me very uncomfortable just staring at me like that. I play with my straw wrapper when Anthony lays his hand over mine. I pull away a little bit but he squeezes my hand lightly. "I'm sorry he made you uncomfortable" He said rubbing my knuckles in light circles.

That feeling in my stomach returns. It feels so weird but also a part of me likes the feeling. When he holds my hands or just hooks his finger under my chin, it makes me feel weird inside.

"So? Why can't I see your paintings?" He asked again with a small smile. I immediately looks away feeling heat pool in my cheeks. I have painted his house because the front is absolutely beautiful and I just couldn't help myself. I have painted random thinks that pop into my head. But thing main thing is that I have painted Anthony. I finished one already, that once was just of his face but the one I'm working on now...that is a different story. The memory is just stuck in my head and I end up painting him.

"I can show you some if you would like" I answer softly staring at our hands. His is still on top of mine, not quite holding it but still rubbing my knuckles softly. He picks up his glass of whiskey taking a small sip. "Only if you want to show me" He said back. I nod my head.

After a few minutes two plates get set in front us. It looks weird. Anthony picks one up and holds it out to me. "Try this one first because the other is a bit spicy" He says. I take the food putting it in my mouth chewing. It tastes really good actually! Anthony eats one two nodding his head. I swallow grabbing another one, "you like it?" I hear Anthony ask. I eat the one I just grabbing while nodding my head. "It's really good" I answer with my mouth full.
After lunch we get back to the house, Anthony waits in the living room while I go get two of the paintings I did. I hurry back down so I don't keep him waiting to long. I sit next to him our knees almost touching. I hand him one which was the one I did of his house. He just stares at it before looking at me. "You are really good" He breaths out. I look away heating filling my face. I haven't shown anyone my painting before. I normally just kept them to myself or hiding somewhere where know one could see them.

When I was younger I would paint but I wasn't that good but I would hold up my paper to father. He never really looked at them. He just sat in his chair watching whatever was playing on the TV. Or he would just push me away telling me to go away. I didn't mind because he let me paint. But when I was 15 I was painting in the dining room and accidentally spilled a cup of paint water. It got all over something of his. Not only did he beat me, he took away all of my painting supplies. I lost all privileges to paint.

I turn back to Anthony holding out the other painting I brought with me. He sets the other one down so he can take the one I'm holding. As soon as he looks at it I realize I grabbed the wrong painting. This one was a painting I did of Anthony. I only did his face but I still panic. I quickly reach for the painting but Anthony pulls it away looking at it closely. The one he was supposed to being looking at was of a sunset I painted not this one.

"Wow, this is really good" He says. Anthony sets the painting down then turns to me. "You weren't supposed to see that one" I admit softly. He really wasn't, that painting was for me and me only. I'm okay showing him some of my paintings but others I'm not okay showing him. "Why not?" He asked scooting closer to me. He grabs my hand and the feeling in my stomach returns yet again. I shrug my shoulders looking down at our hands. I'm use to the feeling of my hand in his. I interlock our fingers then look up at Anthony who smiles at me.

"Even if I wasn't supposed to see that amazing painting I think you are an amazing painter" He squeezes my hand after saying that. "Thank you" I mumble squeezing his hand back. "Alright I hate to say it but don't stay up to late painting tonight, you have work in the morning" He says. I giggle quickly covering my mouth. "I won't" I say back. He kiss my cheek then let's my let's go of my hand. He gets up and walks off. I frown at being left alone. I like being around Anthony, I feel safe around him.

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