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My own father sold me. I mean I know I signed the paper thingy or whatever that thing was but that's because I wanted to get away from him. I wanted him to stop yelling at me and to stop hitting me. But right after I signed it I started freaking out. What if this man who I don't even know hurts me like my father does. What if he's mean too. But he smiled at me again. Smiled. It was a nice smile like the one he gave me the other day. The jacket he gave me was so big it went to my knees and I heard him chuckle.

We walked out of the restaurant into the sun and I lifted my face up to the sky hugging myself. I've been in the sun before but this felt different, it felt like a small weight has been lifted and that weight was my father. I didn't understand most of the words on that paper but it said something about how I am under the protection of this man. Not my father. "Hey, come on" I bring my head down looking over at the man.

"You said it's your birthday right?" He asked opening a car door for me. I nod as I get inside the car, he shuts the door then gets in on the other side. I nod my head as the car starts moving. "Brian home please" I look out the window watching as we pass cars. I glance back at the restaurant get further and further back. I don't ever want to go back but what if I'm not safe with this man? Would father even take me back?

I rest my forehead on the cold glass of the window sighing softly. I fall asleep rather quickly.
I feel a hand on my arm and I jolt awake moving my arm from where the man has his hand. I look up at him taking a shaky breath. I thought he was going to... I look away, looking out the window to see that we have stopped in a huge driveway. I lean forward to look out the windshield to see a huge house. Bigger then my father house. I get out and stare at the huge house in front of me. This one looks much nice and has a nice feeling to it. There are flowers at the front that go around the house, it's so pretty. I want to paint it, it would be something I would spend so much time on.

"Ready to head inside? I have a surprise for you" The man walks up beside me smiling down at me softly. A surprise? I've never gotten a surprise before, my heart pounds as my anxiety grows. Is it good or is it bad? Will it hurt me? Will he hurt me? "Calm down it's a good surprise. I think you will like it, hopefully" He says the last part softly. We get inside and the cold air hits my face making me shiver. I look around stopping when I see a beautiful women standing in the middle of the room. Her long auburn hair stopping at her shoulders, her big brown eyes widening when she sees me and a smile blooms on her face. She's wearing light blue jeans with a grey sweatshirt that says Good Vides Only.

"Anthony! Hey!" She greets. His name is Anthony, that is helpful, like really helpful. "Hello, Hazel" Anthony greets back. She quickly runs back somewhere then comes back arms full of shopping bags. I take a step back not sure what is happening. This girl is very...happy. I hug myself trying to get warm with the huge jacket Anthony gave me. "I got your text but didn't reply because well you said shopping and so I got really excited" She admits with a smile. Anthony sighs shaking his head.

"Declan this is Hazel my PA" He says looking at me. What is a PA? I look over at Hazel who is still smiling and can't stand still. "What is a-a PA?" I ask softly. He looks down at me an eyebrow raised slightly. "A personal assistant" He answered like I should know what a PA is. I look away from him, my cheeks heating up embarrassed with myself. I haven't been to school in a while. Father took me out as soon I turned 14 to start working for him.

"Did anyone read my sweatshirt? Good vides only guys" Hazel frowns pointing at the words on her sweatshirt. Anthony sighs shaking his head, "Brian, please take the shopping bags from Hazel and place them in Declan's room" I watch as the guy that drove us here grab most of the bags then start walking up stairs. "Thank you Hazel, you are free to go" Anthony says. Hazel frowns but grabs her things anyways, "tell me what you think of the clothes I got you" She says quickly before walking out the front door.

I look around again my eyes lingering on a painting that is hanging on the wall near by. I hesitantly walk closer to it in awe. Whoever painted this is very good. I miss painting so much. "Do you like it?" The voice from behind me startles me. I look up to see Anthony standing beside me also looking at the painting. I nod my head looking back at the painting as well. "Painting is s-something that I-" I stop knowing I'm not allowed to talk about painting. Father took away all of my painting supplies. "Do you paint?" He asked suddenly. I look down at the ground chewing on my lip. "I used too" Is all I say before turning away from the painting and away from Anthony.

I watch as Brian walks back down the stairs. I saw like twenty shopping bags when Hazel pulled them out. "Would you like me to show you to your room?" I heard Anthony ask from behind me. I nod my head. Anthony walks in front of me and I quickly follow him up the stairs, down a hall then he stops at a door abruptly making me slam into his back. I take a few steps back my face burning with embarrassment. "S-Sorry" I murmur. I rub my head from where I hit it against Anthony's back. I hear him chuckle then turn around to look at me. He opens the door but doesn't walk in instead he hold holds out his hand for me to go in.

I slowly walk into the room looking around, this room was huge. Bigger then the room I had in fathers house. My eyes land on the huge king sized bed and I walk over to it placing my hands on it. I only had a twin bed at fathers house because father didn't like spending money on me. I look around the room again, the shopping bags that Brian brought up here were set near a door. I walk over careful not to step on the bags I open the door to see a huge walk in closet, it was empty but it was huge! I step in flicking on the light looking around. There was two drawers at the end with nothing in them and I don't know what is supposed to go on them anyways. Both sides of the closet had racks for hangers, there were also some shelves for shoes? Maybe? I don't really know.

I walk out of the closet but I trip on a shopping back and fall to the floor with a thud. "Declan?" Anthony looks into my room eyes widening when he sees me on the floor. "I'm okay j-just tripped" I mumble standing up. "You are very clumsy" I hear him chuckle and my cheeks burn with embarrassment. I look over at the other door in the room and make my way over there. I open the door and that door lead to the bathroom I shut the door not really wanting to explore that right now. I head back to where Anthony is still in the door way not stepping into the room. "Do you like it?" He asked raising an eyebrow. I nod looking around again. "Good, this is your room. Your safe place if you please. I will not step foot in here unless it's an emergency or you allow me to" He explained shocking me.

He stood up straighter, "right, you look tired so I will let you do whatever. You can go threw the shopping bags, lord only knows what Hazel got you. Anyways, you can come down for lunch in a few hours" Then he shuts the door. I hear his footsteps fade.

I look around the room again but this time I fall apart. I don't deserve this. This is too much I'm not good enough for all this. I walk back until my back hits the door and I slide down until I'm sitting in the floor. Bringing my knees to my chest, forehead against my knees and I let the tears fall. I don't deserve kindness...

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