.27. Christmas Special

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I'm so sorry that it took me so long to get this out. I'm sorry for not getting it done on Christmas like I said. Some things were going on and I couldn't finish it that day. But here it is! I do hope you enjoy this chapter. <3
Unedited (Will edit when I can)
Jim sighs as I take out another tray of cookies that just got done baking. I set them down to cool before walking back to the island abs grabbing my icing bag. Three other trays of cookies sit in front of us, some are already decorated with icing and sprinkles while others still blank. I get to work piping the outline for the Santa hat shaped cookie while Jim starts on a star.

Ever since Jim taught me to bake cookies I can't stop. I make some every week so we have some to eat. Anthony loves chocolate chip cookies so I mostly make those but I'll also make oatmeal raisin because Jim likes them. I personally like both so it's a win win for me. It's my first time making sugar cookies but I think they turned out great. I mean what is Christmas with cookies!? It's like a crime to not have cookies.

I've been in the kitchen all day making cookies and nagging Jim about what Anthony has planned. Even though he won't give me any straight answers. I'm asking because Anthony told me he is taking me to a dinner with his younger sister. I've only seen her is in pictures and Anthony hasn't told me barely anything about her! I know that she is his younger sister and she is married to her high school sweetheart. Justin I think was his name.

I still want to know about them so I don't say something rude. I mean they are his family and I want to make a good impression. I want Lexi to like me and approve of mine and Anthony's relationship. We've been dating for a year now almost two. It's so stressful I feel I might pass out.

"Kid! Geez...you're spacing out" Jim grumbles while placing the finished cookie on the plate with other cookies. I let out a little laugh and continue with my cookie. Anthony should be home soon. He's been really busy lately and I got him something I think he will like. It's a little exposing for me but I know Anthony will like it. I tried it on the other day when he was showing to see if it fit and it's perfect. I had to convince myself to buy it. I'd like to think it looked good on me...guess we will have to wait until Anthony sees it.

We finish most of the cookies me and Jim eating the ones we didn't frost. I was happy when he told me they were good and that he was proud. Jim has become almost like a father figure to me. He treats me like his son and it took awhile for me to understand that. Now he's like a father and one that actually cares for me. It feels nice to finally have that.

The other cookies sit in the middle of the island. Four plates full of cookies. They should last until Christmas which is a few days away. Jim begins washing the dishes and I offer to help but he refuses and tells me to go do something until Anthony gets here. I don't really have anything to do. I ran out of paints a few days ago and it's takes a week for all my paints to get here. The order was huge and costed all my savings but it's worth it.

Anthony likes to take some of my painting and hang them in his office. He has one of Raven sleeping in a ball on our bed. That one was one of my favorites that I've done. I can't get enough of my cute fluff ball. He's around here somewhere. Best bet is in his cat tower in our bedroom. I could use some cat cuddles. With a smile I go upstairs into our room. As I guessed Raven lays in his tower at the top. His eyes open as I enter immediately getting up and stretching. I walk over gently picking him up and bringing him to my chest.

With a small giggle I get on the messy bed cuddling my kitty. Raven happily stays in my arms purring. With him in my arms my eyes flutter close.

The sound of the door opening and closing wakes me. Raven is out of my arms standing at the edge of the bed tail flicking back and forth. Anthony scratches his head before moving to take his suit off. I sit up rubbing my eyes before getting off the bed. Anthony begins unbuttoning his shirt but I move in front of him and swat his hands away. He lets me begin unbuttoning his shirt.

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