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I jolt awake when I feel someone grab my ankles pulling me away from the pillow. I look up to see a man I've never seen before smirking down at me. I yelp when he gets between my legs leaning down towards me. I try to push him away but he just grabs my wrists pining them above my head. "N-No! Stop! Please stop!" I cry thrashing around in his hold. "Resisting will only make it last longer" The man purrs with a chuckle. Tears fall down my face as all the memories of other people touching me come back. His other hand runs up my shirt and I scream kicking at him. "Don't touch me!" I kick him in the face making him groan in pain. He lets go of my waist and I immediately back away back into the corner.

He faces me with a scowl. "You little slut" he sneers coming towards me again. The door slams open Jaylin rushing into the room eyes wide with worry. I stand up on shaky legs making a beeline for her. I fall into her arms crying onto her shoulder. "Who the hell are you!? And what are you doing!" She yelled wrapping her arms around me protectively. I grip her shirt looking up at her. "Please don't let him touch me! Please!" I beg. She stares down at me wide eyed then looks back at the man with a glare. "Were you trying to rape him?" She asked through gritted teeth. The man stands up brushing himself off taking a step towards us.

Then my father walks in a glare on his face when he sees me hiding from that man. "The fuck are you doing down here!?" He yelled at Jaylin. "I heard him scream" She sneers glaring at my father. "He is fine, just being a baby" Father grumbles grabbing me by my shirt pulling me away from Jaylin to the man. I push him away backing up towards Jaylin. "He is paying me. Get your ass over here" he growls. The man rolls his eyes, "are you sure he's a virgin?" he asked looking me over. "Yes-"

"No, I'm not!" I scream at him. Father turns to me eyes wide but they disappear anger flaming in them. "I'm not a virgin. I lost in a long time ago" I say hugging myself. Father takes a step towards me making me take a step back. "Are you telling me you snuck out and had sex?" He asked talking another step towards me. "No! You raped me!" I yell taking a step back bumping into Jaylin. The room goes quiet at my out burst. Father freezes shock all over his face. "Me? N-no, I would never touch..." He looks down at the floor thinking over what I just said. "When mom died all you did was drink and at night you would...come into my room" I mumble. Jaylin lays a hand on my arm making me look at her. Hurt and worry are in her eyes, I can see it.

Father stares at me still in shock, the man from before is long gone and we stand in silence. The shock one fathers face crumples into regret and guilt and takes a few steps back. "It was because of mom wasn't it" I ask making him flinch. I've never seen him so vulnerable, so lost and broken. "I look like her" I mumble as Jaylin wraps her arms around me squeezing me. "I never broke the rules, never talked back, never looked at you the wrong way and I never did anything to deserve the pain you inflicted on me" My voice cracks. I'm standing up to him, it's my turn to take the big step forward and I'm doing it. He has hurt me enough and I am so tired of being afraid of him or men or anything. I want to live with a happy life with Anthony and not be afraid to do things that make me happy.

I jolt out of Jaylin's arms when the doors open suddenly and a lot of police looking people barge in and then I see Anthony. My heart lurches and I rush towards him jumping into his arms clinging to him. I hear Anthony let out a breath of relief as he drop to his knees as he squeezing me tightly. I dig my face into his neck crying again but these are happy tears. "Anthony" I breathe out against his neck. Anthony kisses my cheek before looking at me like he hasn't seen me in weeks. "I was so worried I wasn't going to see you again" He admits hugging me again.

"Cuff them both" I hear a deep gruff voice from behind me so I turn around to see two people, one walks behind my father cuff his hands behind his back. The other goes behind Jaylin who is looking down at the floor in shame. "W-Wait she didn't do anything" I said getting out of Anthony grasp. But he grabs me and pulls me back into his warmth. "She helped this man with the abduction that's a crime" A buff man said looking over at me. "She was forced! She didn't want to!" I yell looking over at Jaylin. She stares at me with wide eyes. The buff man just shakes his head, "sorry, she will have to she what the court say. Take them to the cars" He said then walked out. After all the cops leave it was just me and Anthony stand in that room alone.

"She helped me" I mumble. Anthony rubbed my arms softly resting his chin on my head. "Let's get back, we are leaving to go home" Anthony says kissing the top of my head. He slips one of his hands in mine and pulls me out of the room. I don't want Jaylin to go to jail, she helped me and she was pressured into helping my father.

At the beach house I was sitting on the bed after a long shower and some very much needed food. I watch Anthony pack our bags with Raven purring in my lap. I offered to help Anthony a billion times but he said I need to rest and that he got it. "Why didn't you tell me you and Jaylin were engaged" I ask looking down at Raven. The ruffling of clothes being thrown in suitcases stopped and it was silent accept for Ravens purring. I look up at Anthony who was staring at me with a neutral look on his face. "That was a long time ago" He said dropping the rest of our clothing in the suitcase. "I was on the beach when they took me" Anthony stops and grips the dresser before slamming a drawer shut. "I told you to stay near me at all times" He said lowly. I knew he was mad at me after the moment in the basement he turned cold like I made a mistake.

"I couldn't sleep something was on my mind" I mumble looking back down at Raven. I hear the zipper for the suitcase and know he is done packing. "I wanted to talk with you about it but I was scared" I admit scratching behind Ravens ears. Anthony walks over and sits on the bed next to me. He puts and arm around my shoulder and I lean my head on his chest. "You can tell me anything love" He whispered. I chew on my bottom lip watching as Raven plops himself in between me and Anthony. "I love you Anthony" I whisper looking up at him. I watch his face turn into shock then he leans in and presses our lips together. "I love you too" He says between kisses making me giggle. He kisses all over my face down to my neck then looks at me. We stare at each other for a few minutes until Raven meows loudly making me giggle again and scratch his head.

"Let's get going the plane leave soon" Anthony mumbles after taking a deep breath. I cup his cheek and he leans into it with a small smile. "I'll be right next to you" I say then stand up with Raven in my arms. "Come on baby! We are going back to our real home!" I coo at Raven who meows softly. I place him in his carrier and then pick the carrier up and walk out of the beach house with Anthony.
When we get back to the house Anthony physically relaxes glad to be back on the ground. I swear his fear is way worse then mine. He was practically crushing my hand with how hard he was squeezing my hand. The first thing I do once in the house I let Raven out of his cage so he can get a feel for the huge place. I walk up the stairs with Anthony so we can unpack our bags. Brian stayed back to hangout with Blake who decided to come with us. Him and Brian must really like each other. Anthony sets our two suitcases on the bed and open both so we can sort threw all the clothes. One of the maids came in to wait for the hamper to be full so she can go the laundry.

Anthony places everything back in his bathroom while I place the suitcase back in his closet. I get out of my uncomfortable clothes and pull on one of Anthony shirts along with some shorts. I flop down on the bed and I see a black fluff ball jump onto the bed as well. Raven curls on my chest purring happily as I pet his back. Anthony sighs as he lays one the bed next to me. We are both staring at the ceiling in the silence all you can hear is Ravens purring. "The reason I didn't tell you about me and Jaylin was because I wanted to forget about her" Anthony says. I look over him to see his eyes closed. I gently move a sleeping Raven off of me then scoot closer to Anthony. "Sure I've had other partners but Jaylin was...she was the one I loved before I met you. She was amazing and I purposed thinking we were meant to be. But one night we had a fight, I was at a business meeting and Jaylin was really upset I wasn't paying attention to her even though I told her I would be working all day. We fought all night until she stormed out of our hotel room." Anthony says. I rest my head on his chest listening to him.

"I stormed out after her a few minutes later only to find her half undressed with another man in the hallway. It's like she wanted me to see her with that guy. I got mad and said the engagement was off and that we were over. I never saw her after that until the day at the mall" He adds. It must have been so hard for him to see her like that. I can't believe she hurt him like that. "I'm sorry she hurt you like that" I mumble. He chuckles and pulls me so I'm on top of him. "No need to be sorry Love" He says smiling at me. I lean down and kiss him softly then nuzzle my face into his neck.

I eventually fall asleep to the sound of Anthony breathing and Ravens soft purrs.

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