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My father is now in prison for rape, kidnapping and having an illegal business. Jaylin has a few years in jail for participating in my abduction. I have gotten over the whole abduction thing and focused on my new and amazing life. Focusing on Raven, my painting and the most important my boyfriend Anthony. Work has been nice and I've kept in touch with Luke and now I am at a diner not far from where I work. James is across from me looking at the menu while sipping from his coffee. Him and Malachi are still together which is nice and by seeing the big hickey on his neck it must be going good.

"I think I'm going to drop out of school" I look up at him to see he is serious. "Get away from here or away from my dad. I want to help my mom get out of there" He said setting his menu down. I frown. I mean I know I wasn't in school but I didn't have a choice and this is of course James's choice to make not mine. "I mean it sounds nice but I don't think you should drop out. Maybe move and go to a different school and still help your mom" I say picking up my water. James nods his head thinking over what I just said. "I can't tell you what to do James but make it so you like what you did" I say. I see Brian pull up outside the diner and I take out some tip money for our lovely waiter then stand up.

"Stay as long as you like I put money on the counter for when you are done" James nods his head then I walk out and get into the car. Brian starts driving but not the way home, "where are we going?" I ask pulling out my phone to check the date. Me and Anthony had nothing planned or nothing that he told me about.

"To Anthony's work building, he is staying late and I thought you might want to see him" Brain hums making me smile. "That's sweet! Thank you!" I say then look out the window. The drive was long to Anthony work building. I didn't know he worked so far away, he is always home on time but that probably explains why he gets up so early. He wakes me up to give me a kiss goodbye and I have like 30 more minutes to sleep. "I'll wait here, he is on the top floor" Brian said parking. I nod my head then get out and walk into his building. This place is huge! It very nice and pretty as well. I hit the elevator button and wait for the metal door to open. A man in a nice looking suit steps beside me right as the metal door opens.

We both step in and I keep to my side watching the numbers go up as that elevator music plays. "You're Anthony's boyfriend aren't you" The man asked. I looked at him as he checked his watch. "Uhm yeah" I mumbles nervously. The man nods then the elevator opens for me and I walk out and see Hazel. Her eyes light up upon seeing me, she jumps out of her seat and hugs me. "Oh my gosh! I haven't see you in forever!" She gasps squeezing me tightly. She is squeezing me so tight I can't breathe. "H-Hazel" I gasp wanting air. She lets me go looking me over with a huge smile. "God, you look so good!" She said. "Thank you" I say shyly. "Go ahead in" She said walking back to her desk.

I walk through the doors into the huge office. Floor to ceiling windows with an amazing view. Anthony sits behind a huge oak wood desk typing on his laptop. I walk over to his desk when he sees me he smiles and stands up. "Hey, Love, what are you doing here?" He said wrapping his arms around my waist. He pecks my lips resting his forehead against mine. "Brian said you are working late" I say wrapping my arms around his neck. "Yeah, some business meetings" He said brushing his lips against mine.

Our lips meet again but this time it was a full on kiss, Anthony pressed me against his desk the kiss getting heated. I run my hand through his hair and his hands move up my hips. I pull away breathless and Anthony trials kisses down to my neck. Anthony pulls away after a few seconds pecking my cheek. "How was your day?" He asked taking my hand and pulling me behind his desk. He sits in his chair and pulls me onto his lap and I make myself comfortable.

"It was fine. Talked with James before Brian pulled up" I say looking at the things on Anthony's desk. There were a few pictures, one of a young girl that looks almost like Anthony. "Who is that" I ask pointing to the picture. "My younger sister Lexi" Anthony answers typing on his laptop. I look at the other pictures seeing one of us at the garden, I remember that picture. It was after Anthony asked me to be his boyfriend. I smile grabbing the picture looking at it. Anthony kisses my forehead as I put the picture back to where it was.

"I have a few more I'm going to add that Brian took at the beach" He hums. "Can I hang one in my art room?" I ask looking at him. He kisses my lips and nods, "of course" I get off his lap upon seeing the time. "I should get home. Please eat if you are here really late" I say. He chuckles looking at me with warmth. "I will and I love you" My heart flutters and I can't help but smile. "I love you too" I say back then walk out. Hazel squeals and hugs me again. "You guys love each other! Oh my god! You guys are so cute!" How did she hear us? I hug her back then say goodbye and leave to go home. Everything is so good right now and it makes me so happy.
This book is almost over and I am so excited for the ending! Declan is one of my favorite characters I have ever made! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! <3

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