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A few days pass with me and Anthony being official. Work has been going well, I haven't really used any of the money I've made which is a lot.

I place a plate of eggs and bacon in front of an old women who smiles at me. I give one back to her before walking away to clean one of my other tables. I hear the bells above the door jingle and I look up to see James looking frantically around the cafe, tears running down his face. Once he sees me he rushes over and falls into my arms. "W-Woah" I steady him as he cries on me. "J-James" I look around notice some of the customers are looking at us. I swallow and put one of my arms around him and begin walking towards the back to the break room.

I close the door then lead James to one of the couches and we sit. He continues to cry bringing his knees to his chest and laying his forehead on top,of his knees. I've been there before, many, many times. I wait a few minutes for him to calm down so I can ask him what's wrong. He wipes his face with his hands then rests his chin on his knees. "James, can you tell me what's wrong?" I ask softly. He takes a deep breath putting down his knees and lifting up his shirt. My eyes widen at the scars, burn marks and many bruises on his cream skin.

"You said that the sexual abuse came first for you then the physical abuse...m-my father has abused me physically since I was four. Mom was still around but she didn't do anything she just sat in the corner watching him beat me with tears running down her face" He says pulling his shirt down. "Years go by and he still hits me but then sometimes he would walk into my room a-and touch me. He didn't go all the way just touched me but it was mainly the abuse that he liked. Hitting, cutting, burning anything he could use to hurt me he did" James continues.

My heart breaks for him. He shouldn't have had to go threw that especially at such a young age. Father didn't start hurting me until I was fourteen, it's still young but not as young as James was. "James, can you tell me what happened today?" I ask. I don't want to push him but he came here for a reason. He came for help and I want to help him.

"I stayed the night at my friends house last n-night and skipped school today to...to stay with him. When I got home, the school must have called my dad and h-he came at me. I was so scared. So I ran. I ran out of the house and straight to here because you said you would be here if I wanted to talk" He explained. I get up and walk over over to the counter grabbing the box of tissues then opening the fridge and grab a water bottle for James. I walk back over to him and hold out the box of tissues and the water bottle.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through that James. Knowing from experience well I can tell you it's going to take a long time to know that you are safe now and that nothing can hurt you anymore" James looks at me for a minute then takes a drink of water. "How long did it take for y-you to know that?" He asked. I look down at the ground rubbing the back of my neck softly. "I'm not there yet James. Anthony my boyfriend found me and took me in. I'm going to see a therapist this weekend" I mumble chewing on my bottom lip. James scoots closer to me eyes wide and sad. "You went through a lot more then I did" He says softly. I gulp shaking my head. "Let n-not focus on me. You came to me because you thought it was safe and I'm proud of you for it" I say giving him a tight smile.

"What happened to you?" He asked staying on the subject of me. I close my eyes not wanting to think about what I went through. I pushed it in the back of my mind since I met Anthony and now James is making the memories bubble up. I don't want to remember. I don't want to feel the pain of what happened at the restaurant or what my father did to me when I was younger. I already have to talk about it this weekend. I want to spend my week forgetting it before I have to bring it up.

"Your friend, do you trust him?" I ask changing the subject. I open my eyes so I can look at him. I know he wants to ask more but he does and just nods his head. "Go to him, see if you can stay at his place for awhile" I say standing up. "I know I can stay at his place" James mumbles. I see his cheeks turn a light red color and I smile. I pull out my phone from my back pocket and had it to him. "Put your number in. Text me if you need anything and I mean it James, anything" I say as he takes my phone. He pulls out his phone holding it out to me. I grab it and put my number in while James does the same with my phone.

We give each other back our phone then James looks at me with a small smile. "I never got your name" He says. "Declan" James nods and walks towards the door grabbing the handle. "Thank you Declan" He says quietly then he walks out leaving me alone.
After work Brian picks me up. I sit in the car quietly looking out the window thinking about James. I hope he made it to his friends house okay. I sigh looking away from the window and up front where Brian is driving the car. "Everything okay Declan?" Brian asked shocking me. "Uh yeah, I'm okay" I mumble. Brian doesn't question me further and I relax in the back seat. "Anthony won't be home until late tonight" Brain said turning the car into the drive way. "Thank you for letting me know Brian" I said as the car stops.

I get out of the car shutting the door behind me. I walk up to my room quickly changing then heading to the art room. I grab a blank canvas with some different colored paints. I set the canvas on the easel then sit on the stool.

I paint until it's dark outside then walk out of the room to Anthony's room. I've only slept with him a couple time. Sometimes I get to tired and just head to my room and fall asleep. But tonight I want to sleep in his bed where I can sleep smell his cologne. It smells really good and reminds me of him.

Once in his room I walk to his closet to take one of his shirts and change into it. I normally steal his shirts because they are comfy and again they smell like him. I turn out the lights then climb on his bed under the covers laying my head on his pillow. I snuggle into the cover but don't fall asleep. I want to wait for Anthony to get home. I wanna cuddle with him.

It doesn't take long of me to hear the front door open then slam close. Anthony never slams doors unless he is mad or upset. My eyes droop but the bedroom door opens with a bang and the light turns on. It immediately goes off after a second. I hear moment with a few grunts then the bed dips and arms go around me pulling me into a warm body. "Are you mad?" I ask softly laying my head in his chest. One of Anthony's hands run threw my hair and I hear him sigh. "It's nothing love. Why are you still up?" He asked changing the subject. I snuggle closer to him for warmth. "I wanted to wait for you" I mumble holding back a yawn. Anthony chuckles placing a kiss on my forehead. "Sleep baby" He whispers.

I close my eyes and drift off into a peaceful sleep.

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