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Anthony walks into the room after about an hour. What were they talking about that took them hour? Anthony sighs as he sits next to me on the bed. I scoot closer to him resting my head on his shoulder. "Please stay near me at all times. And if I'm not around stay near Brian" Anthony says turning to me. I lift my head giving him a confused look. "Why?" I ask. Anthony grabs one of my hands squeezing lightly. "Please Declan" I chew on my lip and nod my head. He kisses my forehead giving me a small smile. I hear what sounds like a loud make with a groan. I look at the door confused. "What was that?" I ask.

Anthony pulls me close to him grabbing the TV remote and turning it on. "Nothing, let's watch a movie before bed" He said scrolling threw Netflix. We scroll trying to find something to watch but there is nothing I want to watch. I chew on my bottom lip glancing over at Anthony who is still looking for a movie. "Is there a reason you keep glancing at me love?" He asked startling me. He knew I was looking at me him this whole time? Why does he always do that? "How do always know what I'm doing even though you're not looking at me" I grumble with a pout. "I'm a business man baby" Is all he said. "And I'm a waiter so what?" I say back turning to look at him. He cracks a smile tossing the remote to the side then grabbing me and pulling me onto his lap.

"You're so cute" He chuckles. His lips meet mine kissing me softly. He moves us pushing me down onto my back and he moves between my legs. "Is there something you want?" He hums trailing is lips down my throat to my collarbone. "I can't look at my boyfriend?" I ask my face heating up. "You can stare at me whenever you want baby" He purred placing feature light kisses on my face. "I want cuddles" I grumble digging my face into his neck.

Anthony moves off of me but keeps me close to him. I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes sighing softly. Soon enough I fall asleep.
The next morning I roll around the bed trying to find Anthony but when I don't feel him I open my eyes with a frown. I rub my eyes so I can look around the room for Anthony. "Anthony?" I questioned softly. The bathroom door opens and Anthony steps out a towel hanging around his waist. "Yes baby?" He asked walking over to the closet. I groan flopping back onto the bed. I don't want to get up, I want to stay in bed with Anthony and cuddle. I curl into a ball on the side Anthony was sleeping on closing my eyes. I hear Anthony chuckle and the closet door open then close.

After a few minutes the side of the bed dips and the covers get pulled off of me. "What do you want to do today?" Anthony asked. I open my eyes to look at him. "Stay in bed and cuddle" I mumble opening my arms for him. He smiles grabbing my hands with his but he pulls me up instead making me whine in protest. He wraps his arms around me squeezing tightly while digging his face in my neck. "Come on baby, I want to spoil you today" He murmurs kissing my neck. "Fine, but you can only spoil me today" I huff. Anthony pulls away kissing my nose making me smile. "I'll spoil you whenever I want" He mutters letting me go so I can shuffle into the bathroom to do my business.

Once I'm dressed I walk out of our bedroom and walk to the dining room where Blake is sitting scrolling threw his phone. I sit in a chair close to him waiting for Anthony to bring me breakfast. "Good morning" I look up at Blake when he said something. "Oh, good morning" I mumble back. I'm still not use to him, he is so intimidating and it scares me. I wonder if he is coming with us today. Maybe him and Brian are a thing now, I still don't understand there whole relationship on what they told me last night. Anthony walks in placing a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me with a cup of juice and a cup full of coffee for him. Brian comes in soon after holding two cups of coffee one of which he hands to Blake.

I eat my breakfast listening on Brian's and Anthony's conversation. "Yes I will keep an eye out but Anthony you said this is my vacation as well" I hear Brian mutter his eyes flickering to me then to Blake then back at Anthony. My look at Anthony who takes a sip of his coffee keeping his gaze on his cup. "I know what I said Brian and it is still your vacation" Anthony says setting his cup down then placing his hand on my thigh gently. I want to ask what their talking about but I feel like they wouldn't tell me. I look over at Blake to see if he has any idea but he is just looking at Brian with a heated gaze. I finish my breakfast that which was really good. Anthony grabs my plate walking into the kitchen then coming back into the dining room but he doesn't take a seat.

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