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Anthony has Aerophonia, the fear of flying!
Fun Fact about myself I fear big bodies of water and drowning {Thalassophonia}
The days go by in a blur with and Anthony both working so we can take our vacation which I am very excited about. Work has been like it always is, every once in awhile some rude person will come in and complain about something stupid. James would come in sometimes with and without Malachi to talk with me. Other times it's to eat or get something to drink.

Today was my last day so me and Anthony can go to his beach house. I happily clean off my last table with a small smile on my face. Brian should be here soon to pick me, take me home so we can grab our bags then drive to the airport where Anthony will meet us. I look out the window right as Brian pulls up. I say goodbye to Harper then walk out and into the car greeting Brian. "Hey Brian" He gives me a smile and a nod then starts driving. "Are you excited Brian?" I ask looking up front. Brian nods keeping his eyes on the road. "I haven't had a vacation in years" He mutters glancing back at me for a second then looks at the road. "Well now you have one" I say looking out the window to see Brian pulling into the drive way.

We both get out and walk into the house. I make my way upstairs into my room so I can change into comfy clothing. Anthony said I should since we will be on a plane for almost all day. I grab a pair of shorts the go a little bit above my knee and then I run into Anthony's room to grab one of his shirts. His shirts are so comfy and big. I slip one on then rush down stairs out the door and see Brian putting mine, his and Anthony's suit cases in the trunk. Brian shuts the trunk then gets into the driver seat and I get in the back. I don't like sitting up front because normally me and Anthony sit in the back together and it makes me feel safe. Brian starts driving and I just lean back in my seat looking out the window.
Once at the airport I see Anthony waiting near the gate as Brian pulls our luggage. I run to Anthony jumping on him in a hug. "Hey baby" He chuckled but it sounded forced making me frown. I let go of him looking at his face. He is sweating and he looks nervous. "Are you okay? Are you getting sick?" I asked worried. I place my hand on his forehead feeling if he's hot or not. He grabs my hand interlocking our fingers giving me a smile. "I'm not getting sick. I am not a fan of flying" He mumbles the last part looking past me to Brian who smirks. He glares at him making Brian chuckle lightly. "So...it scares you?" I ask softly looking up at him. Anthony takes a deep breath nodding his head hugging me again. I hug him back squeezing softly.

"Well maybe you can take a nap" I say pulling away from him. He places a hand on my cheek smiling down at me. "That's the plan my love" Brian walks up to us stilling smiling. "You should here the story about how he found out he doesn't like flying" I perk up at learning something about Anthony. "Yes! Will you tell me?" I ask looking at Anthony. Anthony looks down at his watch then puts a hand on the small of my back urging me forward. "Would you look at the time, we have a plane to catch" He says shooting at glare at Brian who just laughs.

When we broad the plane we sit in these comfy seats and Anthony lets me have the window seat. "Just had to get first class huh?" Brian said sitting across from us. Anthony doesn't answer and I look at him. "Are you sure you're okay?" I ask placing my hand on top of his. "I'm fine baby" He says. I interlock our hands then stare out the window again. The caption comes on and talks to us about a few things and then we are off. There is turbulence when he take off which makes Anthony grip my hand hard.

But then is smooth flying and Anthony relaxes. "I hate planes so much" Anthony mutters grabbing a water bottle from the flight attendant. Brain chuckles also grabbing a water bottle handing it to me. "It's so funny seeing you like this" Brian sighs with a smile. I watch as Anthony gives him the finger along with another glare. "Everyone is scared of something" I say squeezing Anthony's hand lightly. Brian nods his head but still chuckles at Anthony.

"Do you want to sleep?" I ask Anthony. He nods his head taking a deep breath. "Wanna cuddle? Cuddling always helps me" I mumble blushing. Anthony smiles at me and unbuckles my seat belt and pulling me onto his lap. "I would love to cuddle you" He murmurs making me comfortable on his lap. I rest my head on his shoulder closing my eyes and soon falling asleep.

I get shook awake by Brian, "We are about to land, you need to get back in your seat and buckle up" He said buckling his own seat belt. I remove Anthony's hands from around me and sit back in my own seat. I buckle Anthony's seat belt before mine because he is still sleeping. I look out the window seeing a lot of ocean. We start descending and Anthony choose now to wake up from his nap. "Worst timing" Brian chuckles watching Anthony I'd amusement. "I am going to leave you here Brian" Anthony mutters closing his eyes again.

Once we land and get off the plane Anthony looks much calmer and relaxed. Brian grabs our luggage while I look around the beautiful place. I can see the ocean from here along with a very tall building in the distance. "Let's get to the beach house and unpack" Anthony said placing a hand on the small of my back urging me forward. We walk until a car stops in front of us and a girl steps out with a smile. "Anthony" She greet handing Brian the keys. "Nova, good to see you" Anthony greets back.

"I just had the cleaners clean your place so it should be squeaky clean" Anthony rolls his eyes but chuckles. Nova glancing back at Brian who is putting our suitcases in the truck then she looks back at us. Her hazel hair blows in the wind, "Is mr guard over there still single?" She asked placing her hands on her hips with a smile. "You already tried Nova, you know he is not interested in you" Anthony says with a smile. That sounded kinda harsh. Nova frowns and walks away shoulders slumped.
When we get to the beach house my jaw drops at how pretty it is. It is mostly windows so the sunlight can shine everywhere. Anthony leads me into a bedroom that has a huge bed and beautiful sight of the beach from the floor to ceiling window that is in the room. I walk to the window staring at the beach in awe. It's so pretty! I'm so glad I brought some of my painting supplies so I can paint this. Anthony walks up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my shoulder. "Romantic isn't it" He hums making me smile. "I love it" I said biting my bottom lip. Anthony stays quiet and places a soft kiss on my neck then letting me go. "Let's eat dinner then go to bed it late baby" He hums. I turn to him and nod my head in agreement.

I can't wait to spend time with Anthony.

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