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Cold ocean water hits my face making me yelp and glare at Anthony who has his feet in the water. He chuckles splashing me again with the cold salty water. After we ate breakfast and let our stomachs settle Anthony said we should play on beach so here we are in our bathing suits. Mine had light blue and purple strips on it while Anthony's was a deep blue color. I haven't stepped into the water because it's cold and I don't want to freeze my toes off.

"Are you going to join me or just stand on the beach?" Anthony asked opening his arms for me. I frown looking at the water behind him kinda scared. "It's cold" I mumble looking back at him. "It will warm up when you get in here for awhile" He said with a smile. I chew on my lip and rush over to him smacking into his chest and we fall into the water. I shriek making water come up my nose while Anthony laughs at me. I cough then glare at Anthony who sits in the water. The waves aren't tall but still hit his chest but hit my chin. "That was your fault baby" He says pulling me closer to him.

Anthony flings water at me again but this time I splash him back shocking him. Then it turns into a full on splashing war that I plan to win. Anthony grabs my waist making me unable to splash him without splashing myself. "That's cheating!" I shout breathless. Anthony chuckles hanging onto me as the waves hit us. We clam down walking up the the beach to sit down in the shade. Anthony laid down a blanket before we went into the water so we don't get sand everywhere. I sit in between Anthony's legs my back to his chest leaning heavily on him. "Here love" He murmurs holding out a water bottle to me which I take. I drink about half of it before setting it down then looking around.

I see Brian sitting on one of those beach chairs wearing sunglass when a very tall man in a black bathing suit and a white tank top walks up to him. Brian cranes his head to look at the man who looks very intimidating standing next to him. "Does Brian like guys?" I find myself asking Anthony. "Yes, he is bi sexual" Anthony hums rubbing my arms making me warm. "How come he doesn't have a partner?" I ask wanting to know. "Brian likes to focus on work. He is a full time bodyguard for me so he really does talk to much people unless he has to" Anthony hums.

Brian takes off his sunglasses and turns to look at the man a blush on his cheek. "Brian likes it different though with guys he likes them rough and in charge of him. But with girls he is the one in charge" Anthony mumbles. I nod my head still looking at Brian and the man talking. "Do you think something will happen to him and that guy he is talking with?" I ask. I feel Anthony shrug his shoulders, "maybe" Is all he says. I hope something good happens between them, Brian deserves someone in his life. I close my eyes listening to the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore. Eventually I fall asleep.
I wake up to the sound of water running. My eyes flutter open looking at the ceiling of the beach house. "Finally awake?" I turn and see Anthony standing near the bathroom door in nothing but a towel hung loose around his waist. I blush but I can't look away. "I have turned the shower in for you my love" He purred walking towards me. I reach for him and he picks me up kissing my lips then turning and walking towards the bathroom. "Take a shower to get rid of all the sand then we can eat dinner. Brian wants us to meet that guy he was talking with. Apparently they hit it off" Anthony murmurs setting me down on the cool tile. I nod my head giving him a quick kiss on the lips before he leaves.

I take off my bathing suit tossing it to the side then getting into the shower sighing at the warm water. I wash my hair then my body to get rid of the salt water and the sand then step out of the shower wrapping a towel around myself. I walk into the bedroom unsure what to wear. "You can wear something comfy my love. We are eating here" Anthony says from where he was on the bed. I walk to the closet taking out one of Anthony's shirts then a pair of sweatpants. "What is the guys name?" I ask as I change into the clothes. "Blake" Anthony answers getting up from the bed. He walks over to me wrapping his arms around my waist kissing my neck. "You look so sexy in my shirts" He purrs against my skin. My face flushes and I turn around in his arms wrapping my arms around him neck.

He leans down and captures my lips in a sweet kiss. He pulls away pecking my lips before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of our bedroom. We stop in the hallway, "I have to talk with Brian about dinner and some others things. Wait in the living room" Anthony murmurs placing a kiss on my cheek then walks away from me. I shuffle into the living room where I placed my painting supplies that I packed. I sit in an arm chair grabbing a blank canvas and placing it in my lap. I reach over to the coffee table to grab the cup that has all my paint brushes in it. I grab the edge of the cup but it tips over spilling all my brushes onto the floor making me frown. I place my canvas on the coffee table then begin picking up all the paint brushes and putting them back into the cup.

I place the cup on the table next to me then grab my canvas when a shadow fall over me. "You missed one" I freeze when I hear a deep voice. I look up seeing the man that Brian was talking to at the beach. He holds out a paint brush to me which I quickly take it placing it in the cup. "T-Thank you" I mutter chewing on my bottom lip. "You are the guy Brian was talking to at the beach" I say watching at he sits in the armchair next to me. Anthony said his name was Blake. "Couldn't help myself. When I see a man I take interest in I have to make a move" He says with a smile. "Brian deserves to have someone. I think he works to much" I grumble making Blake chuckle. "He tells me he is a full time bodyguard for you?" He asked making me look at him. "U-uhm me and Anthony I guess" I answer shrugging my shoulders.

"He does a good job! He makes me feel safe whenever I go out by myself" I say smiling. Anthony and Brian walk into the room, Anthony making a beeline towards me. He picks me up making me yelp and cling to him so he doesn't drop me. He sits where I was sitting settling me on his lap. "Dinner will be here soon" Anthony said. "What are we having?" I ask making myself comfortable on his lap. "Chinese food" He hums kissing my shoulder.

My eyes make my way back to Blake and Brian. Brian was standing still while Blake pointed to the floor near his feet. Brian looked at me and Anthony a blush creeping onto his face but he moves anyways. My eyes widen as he gets on his knees sitting at Blake's feet like a dog would. Anthony taps my chin so I look at him and away from them. "Staring is rude. If you have a question just ask, Brian or Blake would be glad to answer" Anthony said.

I look back at Brian and Blake to see them both looking at me. I shift on Anthony's lap hating that they are just staring at me but I did it to them so I now know what it feels like. "Why a-are you sitting on the floor" I ask blushing in embarrassment. "You are so innocent" Blake smirks winking at me. Anthony glares at Blake pulling me closer to his chest. "Chill I don't want him, he's not my type and I don't have the patience to train him" Blake mutters running an at hand through Brian's hair. I tilt my head a little confused at his words. Train me? For what?

"Blake-" Blake grips Brians hair tugging it harshly. "Sir, is my Dom and I am his submissive. This relationship is built on trust, in order for it to work we need trust and good communication on what my boundaries are and his. BDSM is not known everywhere but many people know about it and I happen to be apart of the community like him. We talked all day and we decided to have a contract and maybe we could turn into something else" Brian explained. "It combines pain with pleasure" Blake added running his hand through Brian's hair again.

"Pain? Why would you want to be in pain while...you know...doing that" I ask turning my head to look at Anthony. "It can add to the pleasure and it can turn people on" Blake answered making me look back at him. He smiles down a Brian who hides blush by lowering his head. I hope Anthony isn't into that because I don't want to be hurt while doing that. I look at Anthony my eyes wide with worry. He cups my cheek giving me a smile. "No need to look scared my love I'm not into that stuff" My worry vanishes and I rest my head on his shoulder.

We get to know more about Blake before, durning and after dinner. He seems like a nice guy and a great person for Brian. I don't want to see Brian hurt at all. It gets late and Blake grabs Brian's hand tugging him towards Brians room. "Wait I need to talk with Anthony real quick, I will join you when I'm not" Blake let's go of Brian's hands and walks away. "Declan go wait in our room for me" Anthony says. I stand up and walk to our room flopping onto our bed with a sigh. I wonder they are talking about.

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