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Cold water hits my face jolting me awake, I sit up rubbing my eyes before looking where I am. The room didn't have any windows and everything looked dusty and dirty. My eyes land on a figure standing in front of me. Wait, I recognize her. It's Anthony ex I think her name is Jaylin. She stands there a small frown on her make up covered face. She just stares at looking me over making me uncomfortable. She is wearing jeans and a sweatshirt and her black hair is in a loose ponytail.

She walks over to me crouching down to face me. "Are you hurt?" She asked looking me over again. She sounds worried or scared. "I don't think so, but where am I?" I ask trying to stand up but Jaylin gently pushes me back down. "I can't tell you but-"

"Jaylin, your phone is going off" I freeze hearing the thunderous voice that echos in the room. Fear crawls up my back and I have to run, to get away. I scoot away into a corner as he shows his face. No, no, please, I want Anthony. Jaylin stands up quickly walking away leaving me with that monster. I keep my eyes on my lap not wanting to look at him. "Look at me boy" He growls scaring me. I don't look up, I won't. "Look at me!" He booms making me jump. I glance at him then back at my lap. "Father" I mumble hugging myself. He grabbed me last night or someone working for him but why is Jaylin with him? Why am I so calm!? Wait I'm not calm, I'm shaking like crazy. What does he want from me? He sold me to Anthony without a care in the world.

"God look at you" He spits pacing the room. "You've gotten fat!" I whimper at his statement. I'm...I'm not fat. I'm perfect. That's what Anthony said and I believe him. "I knew I should've told that business man no but I needed the money. I could've made twice of what he gave me with you! But now I'm out of business because I gave you away" He rants still pacing. He stocks towards me and I hide my face so he doesn't hurt me. He grabs my chin but I push his hands away wanting him away from me. He grips one of my wrists hard probably going to leave a bruise. I pull away but he yanks me forward so I look at him, he looks over my face with disgust.

"Do you still have your virginity?" He asked. I push him away with glare. Tears fill my eyes threatening to fall down my cheeks. He doesn't even know that he took it...How could he not know!? He has touched me for weeks and he doesn't even know!?

I stay quiet curling back into the corner the tears finally falling. I hate him, I hate him so much. He scoffs then I hear his boots walk away and then a door slamming shut. What am I going to do? I want Anthony.
Awhile later footsteps make me crawl back to the corner but when I see Jaylin I relax a little. She is carrying a pillow and blanket under her arms and her hands hold a tray of food. Upon smelling whatever is on the plate my stomach rumbles. She walks up to me kneeling so she can place the tray down then the blanket and pillow next to me. The tray only had a bowl filled with something and a cup of water. "You must be hungry" She mutters sliding the tray closer to me. I pick up the bowl my mouth watering from the smell. I think it might be stew but I honestly don't care all I care about is putting it in my mouth. I eat until the bowl is empty then drink the whole glass of water.

Jaylin quietly places the glass and bowl back onto the tray before placing it away from us. She turns back to be chewing on her bottom lip worry still in her eyes. The first time I saw her she was really mean to me and Anthony, but now it's like her walls are down. I hesitantly grab her hand squeezing lightly making her look at me. "Do you know what he did to me" I ask quietly. Jaylin squeezes my hand back shaking her head no. Of course she wouldn't know, father wouldn't tell anyone about what he has done to me.

"He used me for his business" I mumble. I grab the blanket Jaylin set next to me and covered myself up. "What kind of business?" Jaylin asked. I shake my head not wanting to explain it all to her. "Just bad business, I bet he didn't tell you he sold me to Anthony" I say looking up at her. Her eyes widen at what I said. "He sold you?" She repeated in shock. I nod my head picking at a loose thread on the blanket. "For my virginity" I add leaning my head back against the wall. "Anthony would never buy someone! That's not like him!" She yelled a scowl crossing her face. I smile knowing that already. "Anthony didn't touch me like that. He said he wanted to save me and he did" I say. Her scowl melts away into a soft smile. "He has a soft heart in the rough exterior of his" She chuckles making me chuckle as well.

That's right she was with Anthony before me I forgot Anthony told me. "I forgot you two use to date" I mumble watching her face. It softens probably remembering the time they were together. "Yes...we were engaged actually" My eyes widen. They were going to get married? I sit up a little bit, "what happened?" I ask. She frowns, "we had a fight and I made a horrible mistake and lost him" She answers softly.

I grab her hand again, "why are you with my father?" I ask. She avoids my eyes pulling her hand away from mine. "I just wanted Anthony back... I didn't think it would go this far. I swear I didn't want any harm to come your way. I just wanted Anthony back. Your father convinced me that this was the only way but it's wrong and I don't know what to do" She said a single tear rolling down her face. "Go to the police. Talk with Anthony" I mumble. "I met with Anthony but I couldn't tell him. Your father was tailing me" She mumbles taking a quick glance behind her. Of course he was following her, he probably came to her telling her that if they get me she would get Anthony back. "Please let me go" I mumble. Jaylin shakes her head standing up taking the tray with her. "Jaylin-"

"What the hell are you doing?" I freeze immediately crawling back to the corner. Jaylin turns to face my father the tray in her hands. "He needs to eat" Jaylin answers walking towards him. He looks over at me before rolling his eyes. "What were you guys talking about" He asked looking back at Jaylin. I hope Jaylin doesn't tell him, if I could just talk to her alone for a little longer I'm sure she will call the police or Anthony. I honestly don't think she is a bad person, she just misses Anthony and wants him back. I don't believe that she wanted to do this. My father probably manipulated her into thinking this was the only way to get Anthony back.

"Nothing" Jaylin mutters walking away. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I don't like being in a room alone with him. Why would he go to great lengths to get me? He doesn't even like me because I look like mom more then I look like him. If I remember correctly he said that the restaurant went out of business so he doesn't need me. "What do you want Father" I ask coldly. He chuckles lowly grabbing a stool to sit on. "What I want I already have. I just need to figure out how to get you on a plane" He answered resting his elbows on his knees. "The restaurant is out of business, you don't need me" I mutter resting my head on the wall. He chuckles again like I said something stupid.

"Screw the restaurant. I can keep you at home and have men fuck you there for good money" He said. I clutch the shirt I am wearing fear coming over me. "Why did you sell me in the first place?" I scowl at him. I already know the answer I just want him to say it. "For money" He answered. "I must say, you've gotten bolder" He mutters looking me over. I shrug my shoulders done talking to him. He stands up moving the stool back to were it was before he grabbed it. "Virgin or not you'll make me money" He growls walking away and slamming the door shut. I hear a click of the lock and I know I'm stuck here. I grab the pillow Jaylin brought me placing it down then laying down. I just hope Jaylin will see that this is wrong and will back out of this to help me.

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