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I finally stand after a few minutes and walk out of the bathroom to the bed and grab the tray of food. I can't eat it, I won't. I carefully open the door and make my way down the hall, down the stairs. I don't know where the kitchen is but I'll find it. I walk further into the house walking into a room but it wasn't the kitchen it was the dining room. That's means I'm close, the kitchen can't be far. I walk out and walk down to another please and there it was the kitchen. It is huge! No one was in there so I quickly get to work packaging the food I didn't eat and place it in the fridge. Then I wash the plate, glass and the tray setting them on the drying rack.

I take a step but some one walks in stopping when they see me. I gulp looking up. It was a man, salt and peeper hair with a beard, brown eyes, tall and buff. "You didn't have to do that" He said walking over to the sink looking at the drying dishes I just washed. Is he going to hurt me? He is way bigger then me and he is scary. "Anthony told me he had someone staying here" He says walking around the kitchen looking for something. He mumbles to himself before walking to the fridge opening it. Then he looks at me then back in the fridge then back at me. "You didn't eat?" He asked closing the fridge.

I take step back gulping down the stinging in my throat. "I wasn't h-hungry" I mumble. He huffs a laugh. "You? Kid you're a twig. You need to eat" I pick at my fingers looking down. I don't want to talk about it. Is he going to force me to eat? He sighs rubbing his eyes. "I won't make you tell me why you won't eat but I do expect you to at least eat something" He grumbles opening the fridge taking out a container. "Fruit" is all he says. He takes out a bowl and puts some fruit in the bowl. He walks over to me holding out the bowl and I hesitantly take it. I didn't make it but it's just fruit. I look up at him, "thank you" I murmur. I lean against the counter picking up at piece and putting it in my mouth.

It tastes so good, was watermelon, it was ripe and juicy. I smile down at the bowl in my hands. I haven't had fruit this good in a long time. Father never bought me fruit or anything of that matter. "What's your name kid?" The buff man asked. I look up at him seeing him dry the dishes I washed. I put the bowl down taking a step forward. "I c-can do that. They were dirty because if me" I mumble eyes wide. He waves his hand scoffing. "Kid this is part of my job, it's fine" He says putting away the plate. I lean back against the counter again picking up another piece of fruit and eating it. "So? What's your name?" He asked again. I finish chewing and swallow. "Declan" I answer softly. He hums pulling out a glass cup and some alcohol. "Mine is Jim" He says as he starts making a drink.

He must be the cook here. I mean I wouldn't take him as a cook because of his build and how buff he is. I misjudged him.

I finish with all the fruit that was in the bowl and begin to wash it but Jim stops me. "Kid I told you that is my job" I look down at the sink which the bowl sits in. "S-Sorry" I back away. I stand there for a minute before turning and leaving the kitchen.

He was mad at me. I was in his way and he got mad. Why can't I be good? Lost in my thoughts I bump into a table and a vase falls piece going everywhere. My heart drops. Oh no. I broke something. Oh no, no, no, no. Anthony's going to be so mad! I drop to my knees ad tears well in my eyes. I flinch at the sharp pain in my knee. I have to clean it up, I made a mess and I have to clean it up. I haven't even been here a day and I broke something. Anthony's going to hurt me, he going to use me like the others do. He's going to send me back to father... A sob escapes my mouth at the thought. No, I don't want to go back. I want to stay.

"Declan? Declan!" My names gets called I don't know by who. My breathing gets faster and everything starts spinning. Father will make me work at the restaurant, men will touch me, they'll hurt me. Father will hurt me.

"Declan? Declan, hey, calm down" I turn my head my eyes focusing on Anthony. He's crouched beside me worry in his eyes. "I- I- s-sorry" My voice is weak. "I d-d-didn't..." His eyes soften and one of his hands move to cup my cheek. I flinch away but his hand stays hovering over my cheek. "Forget about the vase Declan. I need you to calm down, take a deep breath" His smooth voice makes the thoughts vanish. I stare into his eyes, they're really pretty. My breathing slows and everything just stops as I stare at him.

"Better?" He asked his hand finally touching my cheek. I unknowingly lean into it letting out a small breath. "You're hurt" Anthony mumbles looking down. I look down as well seeing a lash on my knee. Blood streaming down my leg and I look away quickly. Blood makes me nauseous. "Jim can you bring the first aid kit and please get one of the maids" Anthony said removing his hand from my cheek to rest on my thigh. I tense and look at his face again. He is not looking back at me instead he's wiping away broken pieces of the vase so I don't land on any again.

He won't hurt me. He has been nothing but nice to me. I relax but look down at his hand just to keep an eye on it.

Jim comes back and hands Anthony the first aid kit. He takes out a Cotten ball putting some wound cleaner on it but before doing anything else he looks up at me. "This will sting a little" I look away again. I know it will. I've cleaned myself up before and I've hand a lot worse then this. He quickly cleans the cut then places a plaster over it. A girl walks up with a broom and a small garbage bag. No, I should clean it up. I made the mess. I stand up quickly Anthony following me with his hands out hesitantly. "I-I made t-the mess." I mumble starting to walk to the maid. Anthony grabs my elbow and I move away quickly. "The maids can handle it Declan" He says dropping his hand.

I chew on my bottom lip as I watch the maid start sweeping up the mess I made. I gulp taking a step back. Father won't like this, he won't like me being lazy. My breathing becomes faster again and my heart pounds in my chest. No, I'm not with him anymore. He can't hurt me. "Declan you're safe" I close my eyes at the words. He's right. I'm...safe. Safe? I've never been safe before. "I won't hurt you like he did, or like they did" His voice is right behind me. He won't hurt me like the others. No, you can't trust him. He could be lying. Never trust anyone. Never let anyone close. And always remember that no one loves you because love isn't real...

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